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Sebastian rises from the pool of blood as his followers chant. Someone places a cloak over him.

"Come my son," May says to him. "Your transformation is almost complete."

The audience kneels and recites, "We pledge to you eternal devotion."

Sebastian looks at them, "I feel... different. What have I become?"

May looks at him, "You are everything. Your power will have no equal. Your followers will do anything you ask."


Everyone stands up.

May smiles, "Come. We must prepare for the journey ahead."

"What's next?" He turns to her.

"Next, we bring back your father."

The followers all exit the room and Sebastian finally turned around. "Why is she still here?"

Behind him was Cassie, completely frozen, surrounded by purple mist.

"Who's there?" May asked, not seeing anyone.

Sebastian slowly walked over to her, and placed his hand on her shoulder, he gasped as he heard a voice speak.

"Her strength, I need her strength," a deep raspy voice spoke.

The purple mist around Cassie started to swirl and concentrated just around her eyes, revealing her to May.

May took a step backwards, not understanding what was going on. "What is this?"

"This isn't your doing Mother?" Sebastian let go of Cassie and turned to May.

May just looked at Cassie's frozen state.

"There was a voice, said it needed her strength."

May's eyes widened, "Your father must need her then. We'll have to bring her with us."

Cassie remained unresponsive to the two of them.

Cassie's eyes fluttered opened and she quickly sat up, everything that had just happened rushing back to her. She looked around and realized she was on the van.

"Whoa, whoa," Gar rushed towards her. "Take it easy."

"Gar? What- what happened?" Cassie frantically looked around and noticed the others weren't around. "Where-"

"Cassie- Cassie- Cassie let me explain!"

She finally stopped and let him speak.

"Ok, what do you remember last?"

Cassie sighed and thought, "Um Sebastian, he had just joined his mother and had just gotten his powers, I think he was screaming?"

"Oh good, you remember a lot more than they thought you would. Is everything blank after that?" She nodded, "Ok so what Dick thinks happened is that Sebastian's scream affected you a lot more for some reason, or maybe just hit you harder since you were so close to him and it just took you longer to wake up as his scream knocked everyone out. You were the only one still out cold when everyone else woke up so Dick picked you up and brought you to the van."

Cassie's brows furrowed, "But I don't understand how-"

Gar chuckled, "Hey don't question how, just be glad we are all alive."

"Ok? Um where's Gray?" Cassie stood up and immediately got dizzy and had to sit back down.

"Oh-" Gar grabbed onto her to help her sit back down. "The others are out on recon, Sebastian and his mother are out looking for something. They are trying to figure out what so we can get there first."

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