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Cassie laughs as she changes the song to the radio, "Always so picky."

"It is an hour drive to the manor, driver at least gets somewhat of a say in the music," Dick chuckled. "No more. If you insist on listening to Taylor Swift then put on Midnights or Lover. You have listened to Evermore four times in a row! I see your playlists."

Cassie giggled, "But it's my favorite! It's a wonderful album to work to."

"This drive is boring, we need some upbeat music, put on Ke$ha or Britney or something. No sad music. Officially putting a veto on sad music!" Dick gave her a grin, flicking his eyes from her to the road.

She rolled her eyes and scrolled through his playlists.

Her phone started ringing, "Ha saved by the bell." She answered, "Hey Gar!" She waved at it since it was a video call, she adjusted her seat and moved so Gar could see Dick too. "How are things?"

Gar smiled, "Hey guys, sorry to catch you while you were driving."

"No biggie, what's up man?" Dick asked. "Everything okay?"

Gar sighed, "Ah well we're scoping out the place since ARGUS got here last night." He shook his head, "But it's like H.I.V.E. knew we were coming or something. It's- things have changed and we're doing what we can but it's gotten a little... less promising I should say."

Cassie sighed, "It's alright. Things worth doing aren't ever easy. Just a roadblock. As long as you are safe that's what matters."

He nodded, "ARGUS has been filling us in on what intel they have, but they still aren't telling us everything. I can tell. Don't trust us or whatever. But I was mostly calling to tell you how things are going- and I may not be able to make it in the next few weeks to Gotham, just depends on how this goes."

"Hmm, things must be worse than we realized," Dick said.

Cassie shared a look with him, "It'll be okay. I'll run my program again, see what else I can dig up that I haven't already, and send it your way. H.I.V.E. is strong though, they've been around for a while for a reason."

Gar said, "Who knew taking down evil corporations would be so difficult?"

They all chuckled.

"I know you both are in Gotham now so be safe there, ya?" Gar looked at them worried. "Rachel's not far so I'm sure she'd be down to help no matter what she says about wanting to be normal for a bit."

Cassie smiled, "She's still got a few classes left before she's on her break. She's having fun, but if we need her she knows we'll call. You stay safe Gar. ARGUS will take care of you so stick with them okay? I've already said that if I find out they are awful to you then I cut ties. And Vee knows I mean it so you should be able to trust them."

"Always looking out for me," Gar grinned. "Miss you guys, love you!"

"We love you too!" Cassie waved again.

Dick glanced from the phone to the road, "Be careful Gar, love you!"

"Bye guys!" Gar ended the call.

Cassie sighed and sat back, "H.I.V.E. is up to something."

"They always are," Dick turned onto a street. "One big bad at a time. Gar and ARGUS can handle things for now. We have to handle the Leauge."

"I know," Cassie sighed. "I think I need to chat with Talia soon. See if she'll tell me anything."

Dick shook his head, "Favoritism."

She grinned, "Not my fault."

"It so is."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too."

They both started laughing.

"Ah, don't take this the wrong way Rachel, but I don't think potions are your thing," Jinx cringed as she dumped the concoction out. "But they aren't mine either so I can't blame you."

Rachel sighed and sat down, "Space witch magic doesn't seem to like any of your elemental stuff."

"But hey you are really getting that telekinesis down." Jinx flopped onto the couch, "That's something."

Rachel groaned and laid down, "I wish I could understand it. I feel everything from everyone. It's... it's a lot all the time and I just ugh-" she grabbed a pillow and put it over her face.

Jinx chuckled, "The burden of empaths. Something I'm grateful I don't have. Can't teach what I don't know though."

Rachel sat up, "Maybe Cassie will have something I can try. I'll ask her next time I see her."

"Why not just call her?" Jinx asked.

Rachel looked at Jinx, "Oh I thought I mentioned it. We all get together and do a big nice dinner every few months or so. We have one in the next few weeks if you want to come?"

"Ah, sure." Jinx shrugged, "Probably should let them know I'm alive or whatever."

Rachel's face paled a little, "Wait did you not want me to tell them you were back? Because I did like the day it happened."

Jinx smirked, "Man Cassie has you trained well."

"Trained?" Rachel's brows furrowed, "Trained on what communication? Letting her know what's going on? Why wouldn't I have told her?"

Jinx just shakes her head, "It's refreshing to meet someone who doesn't have trust issues."

Rachel gave Jinx a look, "I've been manipulated and tricked by dozens of people in the past few years. I've learned who I can trust and who I can't trust. Cassie has always been someone I can trust."

"You also aren't scared of her," Jinx warned. "You give her information willingly. You better hope she has that same unwavering trust in you."

"What are you talking about?" Rachel asked. "You make it sound like Cassie's evil."

Jinx laughed, "That girl could never be evil, because if she did we'd all be fucked. She has so much information on all of us, on everyone. I've seen her ruin someone's life before with just the information she had on them. It was breathtakingly hot and scary at the same time. I'd live for the day someone crosses her and thinks she doesn't have every single ounce of information on them that she could possibly find." Jinx shivered.

Rachel messed with one of her rings, "Well then good thing she's family."

Jinx smiled and nodded her head. 

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