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Dick explains, "Suspect's name is Dr. Arthur Light."

Hank and Garth are throwing a football together.

"He has a doctorate degree in physic from Caltech. He gained his powers from a failed experiment with light manipulation, where he was badly hurt," Dawn adds.

Hank catches the ball, "Well, we can't all be Einsteins, or maybe I should say Astors."

"You would know," Garth caught the football. Cassie just rolled her eyes.

Dick keeps explaining, "Up until yesterday, he was a low-level threat. Turns out he fried a friend of his named Jacob Finlay in order to access an activator he kept in a safety deposit box. And we all know how it went from there."

"An activator for what?" Hank asks.

Garth remarks, "I guarantee he's not the Energizer Bunny."

"Let's dig." Dick caught the football, "We find out that answer we find our lead on Dr. Light." He throws the football to Donna who catches it with ease.

Cassie, Garth, and Dick head to the tech room.

"Cyrano de Bergerac. I thought Bruce made you read the classics."

"If it wasn't about power, domination, or suppressing my emotions, Bruce didn't have me read it." Cassie nods in agreement, Dick stops and looks at Garth, "Look, want my advice? Donna Troy doesn't get thrown. Ever. Since you got here..."

Garth shrugs his shoulders, "Yeah. So what do I gotta do?"

"Nothing. Look, it's like flooding a car engine. You keep pumping the gas, the more it floods. Take your foot off the pedal and wait."

Garth smiles, "I've been waiting for Donna Troy since I was 12."

Dick pats Garth's shoulder, "So what's a little longer?"

Dick smiles and sits down.

"Gray makes a really good point Garth, he even put it in a car analogy so you could understand it," Cassie chuckles patting his back. He gently shoves her making her laugh. Garth begins to think and walks away.

Donna walks into the room.

Dick scoffs, "I bet your ears are burning."

"I know. I saw Garth leaving."

Dick leans back in the chair, "Even if I was at liberty to tell you what that was about, which I'm not, I'm pretty sure it's nothing you don't already know."

"We need to talk."

"He's right down the hall."

"You two and I. I went to see Jillian about my time here."

"Again? I thought she was the one that said you deserve time to explore your independence. She sanctioned it."

"What Jillian giveth, Jillian taketh away."

"She's pulling you?"

"Seriously?" Cassie leaned against the table.

Donna nodded, "She changed her mind. I need to go back to Themyscira."

Cassie's shoulders slump, she didn't want her sister to leave so soon.

Dick exhales, "When?"


Cassie stands up, "What?!"

Dick scoffs, "Bullshit! You need more time here. Do you want me to talk to her?"

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