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"No, I won't kill him," Cassie looked at the Joker again and moved towards him, "I won't kill him because he isn't real. This is Trigon. This isn't real. Gray and I aren't married. Hell, we aren't even dating. I should have known it would be something like this." She looked at the knife and threw it to the ground.

"You really are stupid aren't you," the Joker said.

"Dick. Cassie, please... Talk to me. Let them go!" Cassie could hear Rachel's voice.

Cassie opened her eyes and dropped to the ground, gasping.

"Cassie!" Rachel shouted.

Cassie quickly moved to stand in front of Rachel.

"Hmm, interesting. Your willpower and strength are remarkable-" Trigon stared at Cassie, she never wavered in glaring right back at him.

"Let him go!" Rachel screamed again.

"This was not my doing. This was his. I offered your friend a path that wound down many roads, but, ultimately, he chose his own way. To embrace his darkness rather than deny its existence. This was his struggle. He tried to flee from who he is, from what he is."


"I've released your friend from a terrible burden. I love him as you do because you do. Your other friend however was an interesting case. "

"Interesting my ass, I just know how to spot a fake reality," Cassie bit back.

Trigon looked at Cassie again.

Angela walked forward completely ignoring Cassie, "And with Trigon's blessing, he's part of the family now."

"Oh, Rachel... It feels so good to be home. You'll see. They'll all see." Dick looked at Rachel and completely ignored Cassie.

Rachel whispers, "No. Let him go." In her distorted voice, "Let him go." She turns to face her father, Cassie pulling her behind herself again.

"I'm afraid you're grounded. No more magic."

"I won't let you do this."

"Let me? You did this. You brought me here, Rachel. Your purpose was to bring me into your world. The whole journey you've taken with your friends, it's all been to make this moment happen."

Angela goes over to Trigon, "I couldn't be more proud. You've given this world a gift."

"You never loved me. You used me."

"Oh, sweet girl, this is so much more important than love."

"Just let him go."

"Look around you, daughter. All there is here is loss, betrayal, and decay."

"That's not true. Rachel don't listen to him," Cassie spoke looking at Rachel, she wasn't entirely sure if she heard her or not.

"Everyone you love will leave you by their own hand or in ashes. Nothing lasts. The only thing that awaits you is disappointment. You will lose everyone. It's heartbreaking, isn't it? Let your heart break. It's inevitable. And then you'll be free to join me. Our future will be glorious."

Gar says from the side, "Uh... hard pass. Cassie, Rach, we gotta go."

"Gar, " Rachel turns.

Gar already turning to leave, "Run!" The three take off, Cassie letting the other two go in front.

Dick takes off after them, not bothering to run.

Gar gasps, "No offense, but your dad is an asshole."

"Tell me about it."

"No shit," Cassie looks behind them.

The hall seems to stretch farther out. Rachel gasps.

"Oh, that's creepy. Come on." Gar says. They set off down the hall.

Dick calls out, "Rachel? Come out and play?"

"Come on, we need to find a way out."

They take off down a different hallway into a room.

"What is happening?"

Rachel closes the door behind them.

Rachel pants as Gar looks closer at some pictures.

"What is happening?"

"It's my father. He's doing this. He's trying to scare us."

"Guess what? It's de...finitely working." A black mass covers the ceiling then disappears. "That dude is totally messed up. What the hell did he do to Dick?"

"Whatever he did to Dick, he wants to do to us as well. We gotta get Dick back to normal."

Cassie sighed, "He messed with his mind. Put him in a reality where he will break and go dark. It's what Trigon wants."

"There's got to be some way we can reach him. Make him hear me or you Cassie."

"Hello? Rachel? Where are you?" Dick bangs on the door.

Rachel whispers, "This isn't right. Believe me. This isn't how it's supposed to end."

"She's right. It ends with us all being together. Just let me in. I just want to talk to you. That's what you wanted too, isn't it, Rachel? To talk to me. To get through to me. To make me see the light again. Well, here I am. I'm listening."

"Maybe we can get through to him."

Dick punches the door making Rachel gasp and Cassie flinch.

He peers through the hole, "Let's talk."

Gar growls, and he starts to turn green.

"Gar! A door."

Cassie walks over to the window trying to figure out a way down without them dying or breaking a lot of bones.

"Rachel, look." Gar laughs, as they look out the window. "They came."

"We have to get to them before my father does."

"There's a barrier keeping them out though, maybe it's only one way," Cassie suggests as she opens the small door ushering the two to go through. They go through the small door. Just as Dick breaks through the bigger one. Dick follows them through the small door. They run down a corridor.

Rachel yells, "Hurry!"

They go down a spiral staircase and come out in the living room.

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