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Cassie reached Jason's doorway and knocked.

"Go away-oh Cassie." Jason wretched open the door but froze when he saw who it was. "Sorry I didn't realize it was you."

"That's ok," she chuckled. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." She raised her eyebrow. "Ok ok," he opened his door for her to walk in, she took a seat on his bed, "I just- I don't understand why I'm still here. Like why can't I go back to Gotham?"

"Maybe that's why you are still here. Once you realize why you are still here is when you can go back?"

"Cassie, what the hell does that even mean?"

She laughed, "It means you still have a lot to learn and Bruce wanted to try something different this time around. Your case was different than mine and Gray's, and he knows he didn't exactly have a perfect run with us so he's hoping that having our influence over you will make up for some of the mistakes he made with us."

"I guess that does make some sense. But when can I go back? I want to be out in the field again. I miss it."

She nodded and gave him a side hug, "I'm not sure when exactly." She smiled when she felt him lean into the hug, "And don't be mad at me for not wanting you to rush to leave either. I would miss my little Jaybird."

Jason laughed, "Jaybird?"

"Ya, Bird Boy was taken so yours is Jaybird."

"I like it, but only because it's you."

"What makes me so special?"

Jason scoffed, "Come on Cassie, you're kinda the only normal person around here."

"Well if everyone else isn't normal and I'm normal then the normal is not normal and that makes me not normal, so Jaybird I have no idea what you are talking about."

He laughed.

"Alright, I'm going to check on the others, see how they are doing." She stood up and gave him a kiss on the forehead, "You know you can always come to me if you want to talk."

Jason nodded and just as she was closing the door, "Cassie!" She peaked her head back in, "Thank you."

She smiled, "Always, it's what I'm here for."

Jason nodded.

Cassie walked down the hallway and sees Donna and Dick talking in the kitchen, she catches the end of their conversation.

"You wanna teach them to be better than us? Tell them what happened, our sins, so they won't repeat them," Donna looks at Dick.

Dick shakes his head, "Thanks for the tip. I'm sorry you can't stay around and lead the campfire stories about how I fucked up." He starts to walk away.

"It wasn't just you. You've got Slade's daughter. Sooner or later, he'll come knocking."

"Donna, we have a lot of enemies. Arthur Light, for one. He's our main problem at the moment."

Donna sighs, "Slade Wilson's right behind him, and when he comes... I just hope that Dick Grayson, camp counselor, isn't who answers the door."

Cassie leans against the counter watching the two argue, not at all surprised that they were.

Gar walks up, "Uh, Dick, I think I got something." They all set off to the tech room. "There was nothing irregular in the main grid, so I started searching the private lines, and then this." He pulls a map, "It doesn't look like enough power for Dr. Light, but it's centered around that location."

"It's a switching station. Kind of like a back door into the grid."

The power goes out and a voice says, "Main power interrupted. Auxiliary power engaged." They quickly leave the room and everyone is in the living room.

"The city's blacking out."

Dick furrows his brows, "It's Dr. Light. He's redirecting the energy, looking for a light delivery system to refuel."

Gar looks out, "How about a stadium?"

"Lit up five minutes ago. He's gonna use the stadium to recharge."

"He's a grandiose motherfucker, isn't he?" Hank crosses his arms.

Dawn looks at the screen, "It's a challenge.

"Or a trap," Donna locks eyes with Cassie who nods.

Dick looks to his old friends, "What he doesn't know is that we're all here. He's asking for a party of one."

"Well, let's give him a party of four," Hank nods.

Jason walks in wearing his Robin suit, "What, we're on the move?"

"Yeah, to Omaha. We'll drop you off at the bus station."

Dick looks at Jason, "This doesn't have anything to do with you. We'll handle it."

"Look, I didn't come here to empty the dishwasher. At least let me run interference or something," Jason argues.

"Not this time."

The others leave to head out.

Jason turns to Dick, "I can help. I'll do whatever you say, but don't leave me behind, man."

"You'll get your time. Not tonight."

Rose is leaning against the wall, "Costume Friday?"

Jason sighs and leaves.

Cassie follows after the others, "Gray you really should let him go. He could-"

"Cass, no. This is our problem, he's not getting involved. Keep an eye on them. We'll be back."

Cassie sighed, "Just be careful ok? None of you are wearing suits and I don't like that."

"We'll be ok Cassie, don't worry," Dawn reassures her as they get into the elevator.

The door closed and Cassie went to find Jason.

He was staring out at the skyline, "I tried talking to him. He just feels like Dr. Light is a past mistake so he doesn't feel right involving you guys."

"But we already are involved. He can't expect us to just sit here while they go out there?" Jason turns to her angrily.

"Hey, hey," she gently places her hands on his shoulders, "Gray doesn't want you guys getting hurt. He knows you can handle yourself but he also knows how dangerous Dr. Light is. He'd feel responsible if you got hurt out there, and he isn't ready for that. It's nothing about you."

"Well he needs to get the fuck over it," Jason crosses his arms.

"You just gotta give him some time, he'll come around, and when he does he will be grateful you had his back. You just gotta be patient with Gray sometimes."

"Cassie you are literally the only one who could ever be patient with him."

Cassie looked up pretending to think, "Hmm, I guess you could call it my superpower."

"Shitty power."

The two laughed.

"I'll see what I can do to get Gray to let you go out with them next time, if he actually listens to me for a change."

"Cassie I don't know how long I can just wait for Dick to let me go back out there. I hate just sitting here and training."

"I know, and I don't blame you."

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