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Cassie realized she was just on time when she walked into the building, immediately looking for Donna. She spotted her chatting to a few people at a table.

Cassie walked up to her and hooked their arms together, waiting patiently for Donna to finish her conversation with the person. Donna smiled at her and quickly finished with her friend before pulling her sister away.

"Cassie! Oh, I've missed you!" Donna gave her a full hug.

She chuckled, "I saw you a few days ago, remember?"

"A few days too long. I really wish you lived here instead of Metropolis."

"Closer than Gotham though?"

"Yes that's true, suppose I can't be too upset. Anyways do you have it?"

"Do I have it? Woman, you act like you don't know me. Of course, I have it." Cassie pulled out her tablet and showed Donna the information she had compiled. Donna quickly went through it.

"Cassie, you are a genius, and people should tell you that more often."

"Don't even Donna, you do all the hard work. I just type things in and stare at a screen all day."

She gently hit Cassie with the tablet, before handing it back, "I hate when you do that." Cassie stuck her tongue out at her.

Donna shook her head, before pulling out her phone seeing that she got a text.

"It's them. I have to go, but first I need you to babysit your boyfriend."

Cassie slapped Donna's arm, "Dude you know he isn't my boyfriend."

The two made their way towards the man they were speaking of, "Ya but he kinda is though." They reached Dick before Cassie could reply. Dick was standing in front of a tray of food.

Donna comes up to him, "How're you doing? Make any new friends? Learn anything?"

Dick beamed, "Cass!" He looked to Donna, "Well, I've had about 100 of these bacon-wrapped dates."

"Great. Look, I just... I got a text. It's a work thing. Someone I need to go meet right now."

"So, we're leaving?"

"Me, leaving. You, having fun. Seriously, Dick, just try to relax. Let your hair down. Have a drink, have two. Pretend you're with Bruce and Cassie on a yacht."

 "I always got seasick."

"That's why it's pretend. I'll be back in less than an hour, okay?"

"You want company?"

"No, thank you. Cassie will keep you company instead, don't do anything I wouldn't do you too." Cassie shook her head at the woman, while Donna just smirked and walked away.

"Gray, she's fine, there is no need for us to follow her," Cassie gave him a look.

"How do you do that? I didn't even say anything."

"Like you're surprised?"

He just rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand pulling her after Donna. They follow a car all the way to a factory and the whole time Cassie was trying to convince him that Donna doesn't need backup and where she's going she would be fine. But as usual, Dick was not listening to her. 

The larger trucks drive off, and Dick jumps down, taking Graham Norris down, as well as another guy. Cassie stayed by the door watching the whole thing and moved when she noticed her two best friends talking after Donna knocked the last guy out.

"Graham is one of a dozen poachers. My photos would've shut down the whole operation from Chicago to Cape Town. Now all I have is... That."

"One more off the streets. You can go after the others one by one if you have to. I'll help you."

"Graham likes me. If I can convince him that I wasn't a part of this-"

Cassie offered, "I can help with that, Donna."

"You're still gonna let him go?" Dick said at the same time as Cassie. 

Donna sighs, "Take out your phone."

"My phone?"

"Just do it." Donna goes over to Graham and lays next to him.


"Now, take a picture."

Dick shakes his head, "What're you doing?"

Donna lays down, "Just take a picture of both of us unconscious. It's the button with the little camera on it."

"Yeah, I know how to-"

"Then just do it. Take a bunch of 'em."

He does as she says. "You guys look good together."

Cassie chuckled.

"Fuck you." Donna gets up, beings to walk away, "You and me, we need to talk. Now, please!"

"Why do I always feel like I'm in trouble with you?"

"Because you are in trouble."

"Am not."

"I can hear you...Bird Boy."

Dick chuckles, "Oh, that's my favorite one." He puts his phone back into his pocket, as Cassie laughs too.

Cassie whispered into his ear, well aware that Donna could hear them, "Told you she didn't need us."

Dick gently shoved her, "Shut up." Cassie laughed, and Donna smiled at the two.

At Donna's apartment, Cassie had made herself comfortable in the living room, working on her laptop, and giving the two time to talk.

"Hey, Cass? Can you come help translate?" Dick called from the kitchen.

"Oh, you are trying to translate the stuff from the walls? I wasn't sure if Donna still had those books or not." Cassie sat on a stool and they began working. The three quickly taking off towards Ohio when they translated the pages. They are in Donna's car driving in no time.

Dick asked while driving, "Can you check again?"

Donna flipped through the pages again, "I did. It's definitely a mission statement for your friend Kory, who's referred to by name or as Night or Starfire. Look, these words often have a double meaning. Like aloha or shalom, they can mean both 'hello' and 'goodbye.' It says here, 'Her mission is to secure the Raven,' which could mean 'take control of' or 'take care of'."

"'Take care of.'"

 "Unless I'm reading this wrong... Your friend Kory is here to kill Rachel."

Dick speeds up. 

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