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Cassandra Astor presses the up button on the elevator, exhausted from the event. An event thrown in her honor, a celebration party for her latest computer programming system, one that would change the game.

You see Cassie was adopted by Bruce Wayne, at the exact same time Dick Grayson was, and for the exact same reason. Her father was a part of Hayley's Circus and grew up right alongside Dick, the two went everywhere together. If one was seen somewhere the other was always close by. Being the youngest members of the circus the two became best friends, and have stayed best friends their entire lives. Her mother died giving birth to her, so Cassie's only mother figure was Dick's mom, and she loved Cassie like her own daughter, same with Dick's father. The entire circus treated the pair like their children and the kids loved it. The circus was all they knew, and they loved it, until that dreadful night when everything changed.

Early on at the Wayne Manor, Bruce noticed Cassie's interest in technology and taught her everything he knew, and not long after she was inventing her own programs and teaching Bruce new tricks. And now she's one of the biggest names in technology and coding, and thanks to Wayne Enterprises she was given the funds to create whatever her heart desired. Bruce always supported her projects as they helped him at all of his jobs so he had no problem making Cassandra in charge of the technology department at his billion-dollar company.

This event was only the latest in the several that had occurred over the years, Cassandra Astor continued to impress Bruce with her ideas and inventions, something very few people were capable of.

Cassie sighed and leaned against the elevator walls taking off her heels, wanting nothing but to lay on her bed and fall into a deep sleep. She was slightly bummed that her best friend was not able to attend the event, she was sure this time he would be able to make it, but alas she assumed work did not allow him to leave for a night, as always. She would send him a text in the morning to check up on him, knowing he occasionally needed her help, and she missed him.

What Cassie wasn't expecting was a phone call from just the person she was thinking about. The elevator door dinged just as she answered her phone. She stepped out, "Gray? Hey, what's up?"

"Cass, where are you?" Dick Grayson confusedly spoke into the phone.

"Uh, walking to my apartment, why-oh nevermind." She stopped and chuckled seeing him standing at her door. She hung up the phone.

Dick pulled his phone back realizing Cassie had hung up and looked confused, but turned around once he realized that the teenager next to him was looking at someone. The lightbulb went off as he realized why his best friend suddenly hung up on him.

Cassie laughed, "Gray, what are you doing at standing at my door? You know you could have just texted me and used your spare key."

"I wasn't expecting you to be gone so I didn't bring it with me." Cassie rolled her eyes and unlocked the door, letting the three of them into the apartment. "Where were you anyway? Did you have a date or something? You look nice."

"My event was tonight. I sent you an invitation and texted you about it. I assumed you didn't come because of work, which is why I assume this lovely young lady is with you. Hi, I'm Cassie." She smiled and held her hand out for the purple-haired girl to shake.

"I"m Rachel," she shook Cassie's hand, getting a vision of young Cassie throwing knives with her father and running around the circus with young Dick.

"That was tonight? I'm sorry Cass, I didn't realize what day it was, and well work-" Dick scratched the back of his neck.

Cassie laughed again, "Dude, I ought to know you by now, you're good. Besides you have legitimate proof this time so I'll let it slide, so long as you tell me what you've gotten yourself into this time." She tossed her shoes to the side of the door shutting it and walked into her apartment. "And Rachel, are you hungry? I have plenty of leftover dumplings if you want some?"

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