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The Voice let out a deep breath, "The League of Assassins? We've stayed off their radar for OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS!" They fumed, "How did they find us?"

A member in an all-black owl mask titled their head, "I believe someone failed your test."

The Voice sat back in their chair, "Cassandra Astor."

The member who suggested bringing her in sat forward, "We bring her in. Force her to give us Batman's identity. She's too valuable to kill."

The Voice thought for a moment.

"We can send the League on a goose chase. They've fallen for it before, they will again if they are hunting us."

The Voice slowly nods, "Send all hunters out to retrieve Cassandra Astor, alive- but unharmed is not necessary." They stand up and their eye catches onto the cover of a magazine. "She's going to need some... motivation to cooperate. Bring her little boyfriend too, Dick Grayson."

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