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Dick asked, "Anybody get him talking yet?"

"No, he's pretty shaken up," Kory said. "Rachel's working on him, though, they seem to have a connection."

"I don't think he was going to be the next victim. I think she wanted him for some other reason. Tim checked Sebastian's record. He's never been violent in his life."


"His mother dies, he gets set up for murder. Add Lex Luthor dying, the whole slaughterhouse gang. As crazy as it sounds, this thing has a familiar ring to it."

"No I was thinking the same thing. It's just like when we all first met."

Cassie crossed her arms, "I've ran so many checks on the woman, nothing. Everything about her anywhere online has been erased. It just reminds me of The Organization. This seems like something they could pull off. I mean they did it with Rachel's mother. But they're supposed to be long gone, maybe someone new?"

"Mm. I heard this song recently. When Jinx stoned me, I somehow made it back to the Elko Diner. And this old Tameranean song came on. About a red moon," Kory said.

Dick shrugged, "A red moon?"

"Something like, 'When the red moon comes, my true fight begins.'"

Cassie furrowed her brows, the burning sensation came back into her arm but kept growing. She pursed her lips and ignored the pain.

"Everything about it felt like a warning."

He shrugged again, "It's just a song in a jukebox, in your dream-"

"No. It's not just a song. It was my song. They sang it to me all the time when I was a kid."

"Do you remember the lyrics to the song?" Cassie asked, "It might hold some kind of clue or idea as to what's going on. Everything's connected, we just need all the pieces."

Kory shrugged, "I remember pieces. I can try and write them down for you."

"We better get back on the road. Moving target's harder to hit," Dick walked away back to the RV.

Cassie and Kory shared a look before following.

"Hey have you asked Sebastian what those weird symbols in his video game mean?" Gar asked.

Rachel looked at him, "I will get there but right now we're just talking ramen."

Tim was looking at his file, "Before the taxidermy job, he was an aquarium cleaner. He likes night work."

"Oh, congratulations. You guys rescued an insomniac who can stuff a cat," Jinx said grabbing a snack.

Conner spoke up, "What about the woman in the police station?"

"Says he doesn't know her," Rachel says.

Jinx looked around, "You guys have Marmite?"

"Uh, top shelf. Behind the pretzels," Tim points to a cabinet.

Jinx grabbed the jar, "Try it."

Rachel grabbed a bowl, "I'm going in with ramen."

Gar gave her a thumbs up.

"So..." Jinx walked over to Conner, "Son of Superman, right?"

Conner answered while chewing, "Sort of, yeah."

"Cool. Can you fly?"


"Hmm. That's a shame. What about the magic phobia?"

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