...or is it?

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Hello my lovelies!! And happy new year!! 

So I know we aren't getting a season 5 which does make me sad, and I know I mentioned maybe adding some cute fluffy scenes for post s4 if I had any ideas and well... I just finished playing the amazing video game that is Gotham Knights and I may or may not have an idea for a season 5. 

So if you all want it I can write it and post it here! It's inspired by the Gotham Knights video game storyline which involved the League of Assassins and the Court of Owls (I have not watched the show called Gotham Knights but when I was searching stuff for my idea I saw that they maybe did something with the Court as well?? Has anyone watched it, if so should I???). Obviously, I won't be using the exact storyline as I wouldn't be able to fit everything I want with following it exactly, however, I did love the Leauge vs the Court and since Ras Al Ghul was mentioned in Titans already I thought it could be really fun to write. 

I will admit though Gar, Rachel, and Conner really won't be involved too much since I do want to respect the canon decisions to go off and do their own things. And I know I wrote that Kory was going to go with Donna wherever she went so I was thinking about having them working together again as well which I thought fit nicely. 

Warning this completely original s5 will be focused on Dick and Cassie more but still reference the other members of the show and have them involved in some way or another. Think of it how I take out a bunch of scenes and things from the show if I'm not adding anything to fit the storyline (like Rachel being on Themyscria, it fit with my story how it was so I didn't need to change anything so I didn't include it, though it still happened since it's in the show). So the other Titans will still be doing things and growing it just won't be in detail like Cassie and Dick's will be. 

With that being said, I haven't written it fully yet so if you have anything y'all want to see leave a comment and if I think it will fit the flow then I'll so add it!! 

Thank you all so so much for reading this story, I have loved writing Cassie and putting her through hell lol. To everyone who has commented and voted know it means the world to me and you are the reason I keep posting and writing on here. Seriously y'all are the best! 

Let me know if it's something y'all actually want me to write or should it just stay in my ideas drafts? Either way I hope everyone has a great 2024!! 

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