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Dick explains, "There was a dead body. Jason's body. Bruce saw it with his own eyes."

Hank says, "Maybe he was confused."

Dawn says from her spot on the couch, "Bruce doesn't do confused."
"I don't want to say it, but-" Kory chimes in.

Dick interrupts, "It was Jason. I saw him. And he was worried about Cass, she's one of the few people he truly cares about."

They nodded in agreement.

"How did he do it?" Dawn asks.

Hank paces, "Somebody do some kind of voodoo act and raise him from the dead?"
Kory tilts her head, "Bruce knows people."

"Bruce doesn't know anything about this. He never would have killed the Joker if Jason was alive," Dick counters. 

Dawn points, "Then Ra's al Guhl?"

"Unlikely. He's in Kadeem."

Kory softy says, "If someone's bringing people back to life, maybe they could bring Donna back."

"Well, it's a little early for Easter, but someone resurrected the little assbite," Hank says.

Dawn reasons, "Or he faked his death well enough to fool even Bruce."

"Either way, he sure as shit didn't do it on his own."

Kory says, "Whatever's happened, he's changed. The kid always had issues, but was not a full on psychopath."

"He could be using." Dick explains, "When I got to Gotham, I found a place where he was cooking. Tested a few samples in the bat computer. No hits."

"For fuck's sake. Enough with the paralysis by analysis."

Dawn sits up, "Everyone's just trying to figure out what the hell happened, Hank."

"He's right. We figure out the how and why later. Jason's out there and we need to stop him."

"You guys do what you want, but if it ends up him versus me, kid's going down." Hank goes to walk out.

Dawn speaks up, "So, now we're killing Jason?"

Hank stops, "He wrote his own ticket. He starts taking people out, game's over." He leaves.

"Look, we find him first. Start in the place he was cooking." Dick goes downstairs, through the old clock.

Hank watches as Dawn walks away, his phone rings.

He answers it, "Yeah."

Jason says, his voice wavering, "I know, I fucked up. Please, you gotta help me out."

"Jason? Hey, you there?"

"Is Cassie ok? Did you get to her in time?"

"Yeah, yeah we got her. She's in the hospital right now, they are doing what they can to help her."

"Good that's good. Fuck. I shouldn't have called you. Is anybody else with you?"

"No. It's just me. Talk to me, pal."

"Hank... you gotta believe me, man. Okay? All of this shit I've done, it's not my fault. I don't know what's happening to me. Something's wrong with me."

"Where are you?"

"I can't tell you. Dick will kill me. I just... I wanted to talk to somebody. And you're the only one who ever tries to listen to me. Fuck, this was a mistake. I gotta go Hank."

"No, no, no. Jason! Jason, wait. I can help you. Just tell me where you are."

"And you'll tell Dick."

"No, I won't. It's just you and me."

Hank is in a taxi.

"Hey, man."


"You doing ok? Thought I lost you."

"Uh, no, not really. Are you alone?"

"Just me and, uh... Ezekiel."

"Who is that?"

Hank chuckles, "Cabdriver, relax. So, where are we going?"

"Go to the old Gotham Observatory."

Hank takes the phone away from his ear, "Gotham Observatory."

"Tourist," Ezekiel mutters.

"Ok, I'm here."

"Your cell could be tracked. You gotta destroy it."

"I'm not calling anyone."

"I'm sorry, man. It's not you I don't trust. Dick's a fucking psycho. He could be following you right now."

"Destroy it, and then what?"

Jason hangs up, and Hank destroys his phone. Another cell rings, this one is in a paper bag on a bench.

"There better be a chalupa at the end of this." He gets back in the cab, "Gotham City Gym."

Ezekiel asks, "Are you sure? Board of Health closed it down last month."

"Just go!"

Inside he calls out, "Jason?" A few rats squeak and run away, "Awesome."

The phone rings again. "I'm here. Where are you?"

"Take off your shirt and pants to prove you're not wired."

"Come on. Really? Okay. Okay." He sets the phone down, and removes his clothes.

"What next? Full Monty?"

"You said it."

"Remember, I work for tips." He removes the last bit of his clothing. "Happy now? See? No wires. Start talking about a glove, it's gonna cost extra."

"Now swim to the other end."

"In this shit? You think I got a tracker on under my junk?"

"If you can't do it, neither can I."

Hank reluctantly puts the phone down, "You're welcome." And jumps into the pool. He quickly swims to the other side, "Alright! No more games. I'm here."

Jason comes out from behind him, "Good to see you, Hank." He knocks him out.

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