The End

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Thank you so much for reading everyone!! 

I have loved every second of writing this book throughout the years and everything that has come with it. I started writing this fic the summer of 2021, and almost two years later (and over 84k reads, which is insane mind you, thank you!!) this fic is coming to an end. 

To those of you that have voted and left comments I appreciate you, it gives me so much motivation to write when I know people are enjoying the book. 

If y'all do want a few extra scenes let me know since I've got a couple of ideas but nothing fully written yet. I'm sad we won't be getting another season of Titans so I may just write a few here and there to fill the void in the meantime. 

For those of you who have been enjoying my writing and my characters and want to know what I'm working on next, I have one season left to write for the Stranger Things fic I am working on so drop a follow if you would like to know when that is being posted! 

Goodbye for now you beautiful beautiful readers!

- A 

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