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Gar flies back to the group and turns from a bird into himself. "I checked three times. They are all gone. Every last one of them," he sighed. "But there were a few offices with computers and paper files on the third floor, those may have something?"

Vee motioned to a few ARGUS members to head inside. They do as she says.

Rose groaned, "I don't understand they were all here thirty minutes ago. You saw them. How could they have cleared out so quickly?"

Terra crossed her arms, an annoyed look on her face.

"Something must have tipped them off," Vee said. "Not to worry, we've dealt with this before. Just remain calm."

Rose glared at her, "We were doing perfectly fine until you lot showed up and ruined our shot. This is why we shouldn't have called."

"Where are they?" Roy asked, his arms crossed.

Jason said, "They are still out for their date night, said they may be a little late and to go ahead and go if they were."

Donna smirked, "He pulled a graveyard on her."

Roy barked out a laugh, "A graveyard? Ya no they are not going to join us tonight. It'll be a miracle if we even see them in the morning. Let's head out now."

"Wait, wait," Tim held out his hand. "What's a graveyard? Like an actual one?"

"Kinda ya. It's an inside thing between the two. Usually, Cassie uses it to snap Dick out of whatever he's in. She hasn't pulled one in years because the last time she did... well let's just say it resulted in one of their very few explosive fights." Donna explained, "It's basically an excuse for the two of them to visit their parent's graves and talk about who knows what. Never given any more details other than it's serious and non-negotiable."

Roy nodded, "Meaning they'll forget time exists. I remember that happening a lot as kids. Everyone ready?"

They all nod and head out to the various warehouses to investigate. Kory, Donna, and Tim would start in the east; Jason and Roy in the west; working their way north, near Gotham's cemetery.

Cassie huffed out a breath as someone handcuffed her to a chair. A bag was still over her head.

The drive had been quick, right by the cemetery. Based on the turns they took in the van Cassie and Dick knew exactly where they were.

The bag was ripped off her head. Dick was in a chair cuffed next to her, a table between them. They ripped the bag off of his head as well.

"Cass! Cass?" Dick panted and spotted her, "Are you okay? Did they hurt you? What's going on?"

People wearing white owl masks stepped away from the pair.

"I'm alright. I'm okay. Are you?" Cassie asked, doing her best to sound confused and worried.

He nodded and whipped his head towards the person walking up to them. They wore a golden owl mask. "What's going on? We haven't done anything! What do you want? Money? We can give you money. Just- just don't hurt her!"

"Shut it, boy," The Voice snapped. "You are only here because of her."

Dick's brows furrowed, "Cass? What does he mean?"

"I'm- I'm not sure," Cassie looked at The Voice. "I haven't told anyone anything. I swear! Gray has nothing to do with this. Let him go, please! I haven't told him anything! I haven't told anyone!"

The Voice motioned for someone to gag Dick as he had started shouting again. A white-masked owl quickly did. "Now we can have a proper chat, Cassandra."

Cassie let a tear fall, "Please don't hurt him. I swear I've been loyal. I haven't done anything. What's this all about? Please!"

They crossed their arms, "Our enemies were able to locate one of our bases. We lost a lot of Talons. You are the only new factor in the equation. You want me to believe it wasn't you?"

"How am I meant to know where bases are? You have hardly told me anything!" Cassie cried out.

The Voice shook their head, "Even a whisper can lure them to us."

"What do I need to do to prove to you that it wasn't me?" Cassie asked.

"The damage has been done." The Voice says, "And there will be no heroes coming to get you out of this one."

Cassie and Dick's brows furrowed, as they shared a look.

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