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She goes grocery shopping and makes sure they are stocked up on anything she thinks he would like, she may have texted Lois asking what Clark's favorite snacks were. Lois didn't ask why, she never did. It was why Cassie loved her so much.

She exits the elevator and hears Gar laughing.

"This is amazing!" He looks at the taller boy, "Conner how would you like to be a Titan?"

Cassie smiles and sets down the bags, quietly walking over to the two.

Conner looks at him, "I don't think I can, Gar. I mean, you guys, you're actual heroes. I'm not."

"Uh, yeah. You are."

"Look, the guy who made me, he's not a nice guy. I have this, uh... other side."

Gar nods, "I hear you." He chuckles, "But, dude... everybody does."

Conner chuckles.

Gar gently hits his chest, "Let's run it back." Gar resumes the video game, "Show me how not to die." Conner picks up the controller and they go back to playing.

"How long have you two been playing video games?" Cassie says from her spot leaning against the wall.

Gar paused the game, "Cassie!" He runs and gives her a hug. "Oh Conner, this is Cassie!"

Cassie smiles at Conner while still side hugging Gar, "Hi." Conner stands up and greets her, "How are you feeling Conner? Any headaches? Nausea? Anything?"

"Um nothing that I can tell," he gently smiles.

"Good. I'm assuming Gar showed you your room?" They both nodded, "Excellent, ok I'll get out of your hair and start making dinner. You boys have fun." She ruffled Gar's hair and the boys went back to playing. She walked off to the kitchen, but she could still hear a little bit of their conversation.

"Who is that exactly?" Conner asked.

"That's Cassie. She's like second in charge in the Titans. She's also the one who watches our backs, so she doesn't really go out in the field much. But she's the best. If you ever need someone to talk to, or just need a hug, Cassie is the one to go to. She's the best."

"Oh cool."

Cassie chuckled at Conner's response and began making dinner.

The next day Cassie gets a frantic call from Gar while she's at work.

"Cassie I fucked up. I was showing Conner around town and-and he may have attacked some cops, and now he's wanted. Cassie, I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok Gar. I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding. Conner is still getting used to everything and doesn't understand, but it's ok. Do you know where he's at?"

"No-no, he ran off so I went back to the tower," Gar stresses.

"It's ok, I'll go out and see if I can find him or Krypto. I'm sure one will turn up sooner or later."

Cassie is going around town looking for Conner, she had seen the video of what happened so she was really frantic. She spotted a white dog bouncing up and down in front of a doorbell. She realized that the building was Titans Tower and the dog was Krypto, but no Conner. She quickly made her way over to him.

"Krypto! Krypto! You're such a good boy!"

The dog had noticed who she was and jumped on her barking. Gar had come down a minute later.

"He just rang the doorbell with his nose!" Gar laughed.

"Yes he did, he's such a smart boy." Cassie turned to face Krypto. "Ok, we need you to take us to Conner ok boy? Take us to Conner."

Krypto barked and lead the way.

The two followed without hesitation.

They found Conner at one of the small fruit markets in the park.

Gar walked up to him and Cassie stays back so the two can talk. Her phone vibrates and she sees an alert that Dick Grayson had been arrested for assault on a federal officer. Dick Grayson had gotten himself arrest, on purpose. She sighed and looked up noticing a very large military truck had pulled up. Krypto barks at the truck.

"Uh, boys, I think it's time we go home," Cassie called to them.

"You gotta get out of here. Now!" Conner pushes Gar away and walks towards the truck.

Gar rushes towards Conner and tries to hold him back, "No, no. no! Do you really want to hurt somebody else?"

Krypto goes back to barking as soldiers get out of the truck.

Gar nods towards Cassie, "Come on." The three take off running in the opposite direction.

They go back to the tower.

"Ok, boys I need to go grab my stuff from the office. I kinda left everything there in a hurry. I will be back in an hour max. Ok? Please don't leave the tower ok? I won't be long," Cassie looked at Conner and then to Gar.

Gar nodded and gave Cassie a hug, she returned it and whispered in his ear, "It wasn't your fault ok?"

Gar lets go of her and nods. She smiles and kisses his forehead, before smiling at Conner and walking out.

She made sure to drop a certain someone's favorite book off at the post office, with a note saying "I thought I told you not to get into trouble?" and sending it to the prison he was being held at. She knew he wouldn't want to talk to her, but she needed him to know she knew where he was. Cassie also made sure her trip back to the office was as quick as possible.

But what Cassie didn't know is that she was already too late. Gar and Conner were gone. With glass everywhere and the place a wreck, she felt the anger take hold. They took her boys. How dare they take her boys. She knew this wasn't the police. She knew this was CADMUS.

Cassie took a deep breath and headed to the tech room, planning to get as much information as possible on CADMUS before she made a call.

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