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The power goes out, and they pull up to the house.

Kory gets out, "He's here. We're too late. It's already started. We have to get to Rachel."

They all head towards the house.

"What the fuck is going on?" Donna stops.

Dick tries to figure out what it is, "The air... It's shimmering."

"It's right where the house should be."

"Maybe it's a protective field of some sort," Cassie and Dick share a look before they take off at the same time.

Kory yells, "Dick, Cassie, wait!"

They both make it through the force field at the exact same time, so if Trigon wanted one then he was getting both of them.

"Come on." Kory and Donna follow but don't make it through, not understanding why.

Dick walks up to the house looking behind him, noticing Cassie was right there with him, and the two walk into the house.

Part of Dick's vision (A/N: just so y'all know where Cassie's at for it)

Jason rolls up the driveway in his wheelchair, "Hey, bro. What's up?"


"Been five years. Do I look different? Must be the haircut," Jason chuckles.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's Batman. He's in trouble."

Dick asks as the two of them head to the back of the house, "Do you want anything? Coffee, or..."

"No, I'm okay. This is really nice, man. I knew you lived out here, had a family, but this... Good for you, man."

Dick sits down, "Jason, what happened?"

"Ah, I was stupid. Totally my fault. The Riddler and some guys were hitting jewelry stores late at night. Batman and I staked one out, caught 'em coming in. Should've gone down real simple, but I got too cocky. Big surprise. Went straight for him. Thought I could take him down on my own. You know how the riddler never uses a gun? Well, no he does. Bullet hit my T5 vertebra. It's still there."

"Jesus. I'm sorry."

"Gotham's gotten worse, man. Way fucking worse. Commissioner Gordon's dead."


"Three days ago. It was the Joker, and it was bad. Kept him alive for almost a week. Texted pictures of what he was doing. By the time Bruce figured out where he was, it was too late. Never seen him look like that. He's going to kill the Joker."

"He would never do that. Bruce has a line he'll never cross."

"Things have changed, Dick. First, Cassie dies, then Alfred dies, and then this, and now Commissioner Gordon. It's like something inside of him just snapped. Whatever was holding him together is gone."

Dick exhales, "So why come here and tell me?"

"Because you're the real Robin, man. Okay? You always were. Not me. The truth is he was never the same after you left. Alfred said it. Cassie said it. Barbara said it. Even heard Superman say it once. I just didn't wanna believe it, but it's true. You were the only one he ever listened to, besides maybe Cassie. Maybe the only two he ever cared about after his parents died. You need to come back to Gotham and convince him not to do it."

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