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Barbara clicked a button, "And The Cauldron's criminal activity has tripled. That's always been a problem area for us but now it's almost unmanageable. We've lost a lot of officers."

Donna, Kory, Roy, Dick, Tim, and Jason all stand around the virtual map of Gotham. Every spot the GCPD has been able to find out the Leauge has been trying to cause trouble was marked.

"Any ideas on a pattern?" Roy asked.

Dick shook his head, "There isn't going to be one. That's not how the League works."

"Well, what are we supposed to do?" Tim looked at him, "If there's no pattern or reason how are we meant to stop them?"

Donna shook her head, "We aren't. That's the idea. Think Cassie can pull the friend card with Talia?"

"Not tonight, she's at a business kind of meeting. I'll have to ask her when she gets home," Dick sighed. "For now, all we can do is protect Gotham and prevent the League from causing too much chaos for us. I'll see if Talia would agree to meet with me in the meantime."

The table was set for ten. Cassie smiled politely from her spot in the middle. Maria had the table silently listening to her story as they were finishing dessert.

"And then Joseph barged in and yelled at the poor kid! I felt horrible, he had no idea I was severely allergic to shellfish. The kid scrambled backward and slipped on the bucket of ice he had just set down!" She laughed, "His arms flew into the air!" She mocked the server and threw her hands up.

Cassie grabbed her glass of water and took a drink as the others laughed. The laughter died down quickly as the story finished. 

Maria noticed and turned her attention to Cassie, "Dr. Astor, I do want to thank you again for offering to donate tablets and computers for our center when it opens. I know technology like that can make a big impact on the children."

"Of course," Cassie sat down her glass. "I will personally make sure they are all uploaded with WayneTech's best education programs. We have a whole team that focuses on helping teens get access to the information they need to help their educational careers, or if they cannot go to school then ways and places they can find any kind of help they need." She grins, "I'm very proud of that team. I'm always looking for new places that could use their help. It seemed like the perfect pair."

Maria nodded, "Always one to look out for Gotham aren't you Dr. Astor?"

Cassie slowly nodded, "It's home. I want my home to be the best it can be. Gotham has a lot of potential, if people like us show it some love it can be even better."

Joseph stood up, "Oh Dr. Astor would you mind following me? There's something I want to show you. I'm sure Maria won't mind entertaining our other lovely guests while we're gone?"

"Not at all Joseph," Cassie quietly stands up. "Lead the way."

He leads her down a hallway into a study. He unlocked the door, "Please after you."

She walked into the room and spotted a large owl statue. She put her arms behind her back and crossed them, her hand over her watch.

"Please, have a seat. I'll be back shortly." Joseph left the room and shut the door.

Cassie clicked her watch and released four small bugs, ones that would fly around until they latched onto devices that held data, so small they were barely visible. She admired a painting on the wall, not moving her arms at all, keeping them where they were.

The door opened and a few people walked in. Cassie didn't turn to look at them.

"Cassandra Astor," a distorted voice said.

She turned and smiled, "Please, Doctor Astor will do just fine." Her head titled, "Are those masks supposed to be... let me see, owls? Interesting choice. I wasn't aware this was a masquerade event. I'm underdressed."

The one wearing a full gold owl helmet motioned for her to take a seat, "Please we have much to discuss."

Cassie takes a seat on one of the single chairs, crossing her ankles and keeping one hand over her watch. She spins the dial and makes the screen brightness fully dark.

The one clearly in charge takes a seat directly across from her. Two wearing white and gold masks stand behind the leader. Two in plain white masks stand at the door.

"Doctor Astor," the one wearing the gold helmet leaned forward. "We have a proposition for you."

She raised a brow, "Do tell. This air of mystery has made me intrigued."

"It's been made clear that you wish to help Gotham. We are The Court of Owls. An anonymous group dedicated to building Gotham up and making it a better city. We'd like to formally invite you to join us."

"Gotham Hospital!" Barbara shouted over the comms. "En route now, ground says close to a hundred Leauge members are crawling the building. They are targeting the power supply and the medicine storages."

"Damn it," Donna groans.

Dick looks at her, "Just got a message. She's agreed."

"Go, see if you can make her stop this. I'm getting annoyed."

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