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Cassie walks out of her bathroom, smoothing her dress down a bit. She looked at Donna and Kory, "What do we think?"

Both women grinned and nodded. The dress was an olive green, sleeveless, but hugged everything perfectly.

"That's the one," Kory chuckled.

Cassie wrung her hands together, "You don't think it's too... simple? Lily had time to send over two others if it is."

Donna stood up, "Nope those were too much. That one is perfect."

"Think Lily would want to make me a few?" Kory stood up too. "Her work is amazing."

Cassie said, "Oh of course. She'd actually love to work with your typical color palette. She hardly ever gets to work with purples now."

"Hmm," Kory grinned. "I'll give her a call."

Donna rolled her eyes, and handed Cassie some strappy heels that would crawl up her legs.

Cassie grinned and thanked her putting them on.

"No hidden knives?" Kory chuckled as she picked out which earrings Cassie should wear.

Cassie smirked, and unlatched the heel of her right shoe, revealing a knife. "I never go anywhere without a few knives. All my shoes have them, and this dress even has a few by this knee, there's a pocket sewn into the hem to hold them, perfectly concealed." She puts the heel back on, "No one ever knows."

The other two women shook their heads.

Cassie met Dick by the door.

His jaw dropped seeing her. She rolled her eyes spotting his outfit.

"Did the girls tell you which one I was wearing?" Cassie got to him. His olive green pants matched hers perfectly.

He dragged his eyes over her frame and gently grabbed her by the waist bringing her closer. He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. "No."

"Hmm," she leaned into him.

He gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "You ready?"

She nodded and smiled.

(think something like ^ these for their date night outfits, but like the greens actually match) 

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(think something like ^ these for their date night outfits, but like the greens actually match) 

The sun had set while they were at dinner.

Cassie noticed this, "We shouldn't take all night. They are going to need us tonight."

"Which is why we went out earlier than normal," Dick grabbed her hand. 

"I know but-"

He put a finger to her lips, "Shh we are to enjoy our date night, no work, either of your jobs. You are to relax." He entwined their hands as they walked down the street full of shops, heading towards the graveyard where both their parents were.

Cassie blushes for a moment, "Well speaking of relaxing... Dawn may have called, said we could visit anytime we wanted. You know after things here have calmed down."

He smirked, "A vacation to the city of love with the love of my life? Sign me up." Cassie's blush deepened. Dick's eye caught something. A ring shop they were passing, his eye flicked to Cassie's left hand. "Hey... wait if...?"

She immediately caught onto what he was trying to say, and smirked, "If you're wanting to start the conversation about us getting married, I'll tell you two things. One, you're going to have to talk to my sister, Donna has made it very clear of that ages ago. And two, well- hmm I'm traditional you're gonna need my dad's permission. James Astor made sure my expectations for my future husband were high."

Dick threw back his head and laughed, "I'm well aware. I recall the chats, he gave quite a few to me on how to be a good man. Always get the door, flowers just because not to make up after an argument, always lift her up high. Though he may have been literal about that last one."

Both of them burst out into laughter. 

Dick paused as they reached the end of the row of buildings, he pulled her close. Grinning as he looked at her, "Be her equal, and earn her love every day." He sighed, "I know I haven't always earned your love. I'm... realizing how much I've relied on you. That you're the one constant in my life. My home."

Cassie's face turned red, "Okay cheese ball. Stop it." She had to look away from him, "You- you're my home too." She looked back at him, "You always have been, no matter what's going on. You always will be."

They both grinned at one another, their hearts full of love for one another.

The air stilled around them.

Cassie closed her eyes and sighed in disappointment.

Dick puts a gentle hand on her cheek, "We're getting kidnapped aren't we?"

She nods.

"Court or league?"

"Guess we'll find out," Cassie leans into his touch.

Dick quickly looked around them, "Court I follow your lead, league-"

"Also mine," Cassie smirks. 

He grins, "They did give you a title. Doubt it's them since your meeting the other night, does the Court know about us and our nightly activities?"


"Concerned boyfriend it is," Dick chuckles.

Cassie laughs.

He smiles and pulls her into a kiss, she sighs and pulls him closer.

The street lights go out around them. 

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