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Hello friends, TOP is back and I can't wait for more new stuff ♥️ As most people I'm assuming that they'll release a single on the 29th of Feb which I'm so excited about but also sooo anxious about lol love anxiety 😌✌🏻

Anyways, can't wait for the next era! And today, 8 whole ass years ago, I met Tyler 🥹 (on Valentine's Day it was 8 years since I met Josh but I forgot about that lmao) can't believe it's been so long and that I've been so lucky to have this band grow (up) with me for the past 12 years!! Makes me so happy to think of 😊

Let's dive into the new chapter! Had so much fun writing this so I hope you'll have fun reading it too ♥️ almost gonna move to the next book! Just 2 more left after this one. So next Friday, we'll be releasing the first chapter in book 2!

Thank you for being here & voting & commenting, please enjoy, hope you like it ♥️

Word count: 3505


After they finished their brunch, Josh went back to the guest room to get changed 'cause he had to go to Gracie's place to pick up his stuff, before they'd all go up to Steve's house.

"Hey, loves, can you come here? We gotta discuss something", Lucas said. Steve and Tyler nodded as they walked over to Lucas, all three gathering around the kitchen island again.

"So... now that Josh's getting ready, I wanna talk to you about something", Lucas said. "What is it?" Steve asked. "Well... last night was... something", Lucas said. "Especially for Josh... we're not here to discuss whether allowing yesterday to happen was a smart choice or not. I'm just thinking about Josh here", Lucas said. "We'll all be fine, we've done stuff like this before. Josh on the other hand... didn't", Lucas said. "You saw how overwhelmed and nervous he was some times... even now during our brunch and such", he said. "I don't think he regrets doing it, but I also don't think he knows exactly how to process it... not on his own", he said.

"...agreed, so... what do you wanna do about it?" Steve asked. "We made Josh promise not to tell anyone about us", Lucas said. Both Tyler and Steve nodded. "And he hasn't broken that promise. For years, he's kept it a secret from everyone, because we asked him to. Josh's gonna bottle this all up and he's gonna have to deal with it himself, unless..."

"...unless?" Tyler asked. "Unless we allow him to talk about it with someone", Lucas said. Steve and Tyler didn't reply. "...sorry, what?" Tyler frowned. "Okay I know this might not sound like the best plan, but we trust Colin right? And Fred, we trust both of them", Lucas said. "They're Josh's best friends... we trust them 'cause Colin's been keeping secrets for us too, and Fred's keeping your smoking secret as well... including all the other stuff that all of Josh's friends now know. Plus, with what Josh's said about Fred... I trust him"? Lucas said.

"...I think he's trustworthy too", Steve agreed. "Right! So... what if we just... allow Josh to confide in them", he said. "If he wants to. If he wants to talk to someone... let it not be us, as we're the ones who all kissed him and all that. Let it be his best friends", Lucas said.

"...you want to allow Josh to tell Colin and Fred that we're gay", Tyler stated. "...and we all fucked each other."

"Not that last part, Jesus", Lucas said. "Okay then you want to allow him to tell them we're gay and we all made out with Josh", Tyler said.

"...basically", Lucas replied.

"Jesus, Luke", Tyler sighed as he pushed himself up and he walked away a few steps, running his hand down his face. "It doesn't have to be that big of a deal! They're not gonna have a problem with us being gay. Josh's gay and Colin's his best friend for years! Fred's gay himself, they wouldn't care!" Lucas said. "But what if it gets out?" Tyler asked as he came back to the island. "Then what?"

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now