⭒ XLII ⭒

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New chapter whoo! Chapter 42 - first one with some time skips again! Let me know what you think of this. I'd really love to hear your opinion on this! I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as you've enjoyed the others even if we're moving away from that writing style just a bit.

Please don't forget to leave a vote on the chapter, 'cause it helps a lot and I'd love to know who's still enjoying and reading this story! I love you all so much. Thank you so much for your support <3 <3

Can't wait to read your opinion on this. Really hope you'll enjoy it even if we're talking a bit more about their separate lives again for now. <3 excited to learn what you think of it!

Let's dive into this chapter! I hope you enjoy it. Love you! <3

Word count: 5502


After Josh, Jenna and Jonathon returned home, Josh felt a bit empty. His days were not as exciting as they used to be when they were on tour, he was in his room a lot of days, but tried to spend as many days with Jenna and his boyfriend as he could. They went down to the beach, to Santa Monica, to the pool, went and got ice cream almost every evening after dinner, and Jenna hosted a graduation party combined with a going away party with her friends who had also graduated. Josh and Jonathon were at the party, of course, as it wasn't a party like his old friends would've hosted. It was fun, they felt comfortable, but it was bittersweet. Jenna was leaving soon and Josh hated it.

At the beginning of August, Josh went on a family vacation with his parents, sisters and brother. He couldn't bring Jonathon as they already barely fit in the car, which he hated, but they texted and called every day.

Josh did enjoy his family vacation in Monterey, but just wished he could spend as much time as possible with Jenna. And while he wished he was at home to spend time with them, he did enjoy the activities they did as a family. They visited the Monterey Bay aquarium, rented bikes for a bike ride along the Monterey bay coastal trail, went shopping at Cannery Row, visited the Pacific Grove museum of natural history, went on a hike at a nearby national park, visited the zoo, and spent time at some playgrounds for the youngest siblings. They visited the beach once, but didn't stay for long as they were used to beaches at home. The medium sized pool at the hotel was used every day after they got back to the hotel, though.

During all the drives - especially the one to and from Monterey - Josh played a lot of Tyler's music. His family started to love his music more and more, and especially Abigail was particularly starting to love it, but Ashley was a close second. They had been to one of Tyler's shows months earlier, but they hadn't known all of his music all too well yet. Josh played the Broken Heart's Society a lot, as well as No Below. The earlier stuff, he didn't play as much. Not because he didn't like it - in fact, he loved it; it just felt good to keep something a bit more to himself. A bit more personal. Plus, he didn't want his dad to ask why the music he listened to was about depression so much, like on No Phun Intended. He wanted to avoid that conversation for as long as possible - preferably forever.

When they got back from their holiday, Josh had only five more days left with Jenna. While she was moving away from her family too, Josh was struggling the most with her leaving, 'cause he felt like he could visit her a lot less easy than her family could. They had to leave before Jenna started college, because they had to go on a cross country road trip to Pennsylvania with all of Jenna's stuff, since she was moving into a dorm at the university. Josh wished he could go with them so he could bring Jenna to university as well, but it wasn't possible. There wasn't enough room, and Josh would have to make the entire trip back home with only Jenna's parents. He loved them, but spending over a week with just them was too awkward and scary.

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