⭒ XVI ⭒

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Hi friends! Chapter 16 whoohoo! It's going pretty fast huh? But I'm loving updating for you and seeing your comments!

Almost going back home which means in a few days I'll be able to write more again! I'm excited to write for my stories again more. I really love writing them and I love it even more when you vote and leave comments because it means my work paid off and it makes me super happy!

So let's get into chapter 16! I hope you'll enjoy this one! Please don't forget to leave a vote. I hope to hear what you think of it! Would mean a lot to me ♥️

Here's chapter 16! Let's dive in. Enjoy ♥️

Word count: 5304


"What does that even mean?" Josh sighed softly as he was in music class with Jenna and Jonathon, waiting for their teacher to arrive. "'I'm gonna sleep for three months'. What does he mean?" Josh muttered. "Maybe he's gonna have a break and tour will start again in three months?" Jenna wondered. "Or it'll take three months to recover from whatever it is that made him faint?" Jonathon questioned. Josh let out a long sigh. "If we only knew what was going on with him", he muttered.

"I hate this whole damn tweet", Josh stated. "'See you on the other side' what the fuck?" he said. "Do you think he has, like, a drug problem or something? Or alcohol? Like, addiction?" Jenna asked. "Tyler? I don't think so", Jonathon said. "...I have to agree with Jon on that one. I don't think so", Josh said. "Well you never know! That stuff can make you faint right?" Jenna asked. "And I heard on TV that it takes at least three months to recover from addiction. It would add up", she said. "Yeah but we're talking about Tyler here. Do you really think he has an addiction problem?" Josh asked. Jenna shrugged. "As I said, you never know", she said. "I wish we fucking knew", Josh muttered. Their teacher then arrived, and class started, but Josh could hardly concentrate.


Tyler and Lucas got back to Columbus. Tyler's family insisted on seeing him - which wasn't surprising; they were extremely worried. They cried a lot, but Tyler hardly did. He had cried most of the tears he had with Lucas together, and he had hardly any left to share with his family. Lucas didn't force Tyler to eat much that day, but he did get them both a cupcake because he knew Tyler actually really enjoyed them. They cuddled on the couch and in bed for most of the day, while Tyler occasionally smoked a cigarette on the balcony, and that night, they had the most intimate, most emotional sex they ever had; they knew they weren't gonna be together for a long time starting tomorrow, or not properly, at least, and they had to be together closely on their last night together for a long time.

The next day, Tyler didn't want his family to be there, and neither were his friends allowed to come. He went to the recovery center with Lucas only, because he was his lover, and he had been close to Tyler the most. He was the one who had tried to get Tyler to eat more a few months ago, and sensed that there was something wrong. Tyler couldn't shut him out after lying to him so much. And he didn't want to shut him out; he loved him to death, he wanted Lucas to be there. Just Lucas. No one else.

They went through the check in process, and Lucas was allowed to go to Tyler's room with him. They put some decorations down that they had brought; a little easy-to-care-for plant, some photo frames of Tyler and his crew, Lucas and Tyler together, smiling at the camera widely as they hugged each other tightly. Another one; a selfie where Lucas kissed Tyler's cheek and Tyler smiled widely. A picture of Pumbaa, a picture with his family. And a picture of Tyler on stage in front of his fans. They had brought Tyler's favorite mug and a stuffed animal that Lucas had gotten for Tyler a while back. They put all of Tyler's clothes in the dresser that he could use, put his toiletries in the bathroom, and then Tyler had to say goodbye to his boyfriend.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now