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Hi friends! Haven't been able to write much this week but I still wanted to update so here's a new chapter! It's a bit shorter than usual, I hope you don't mind too much :) and I hope you'll still enjoy it!

Really hope to be able to write more again soon! I love this story and I love you and thanks for all your support ♥️

Please don't forget to leave a vote on this chapter! And I'd love to hear from you so don't hesitate to share your thoughts with me!

Enjoy! Love you all ♥️

Word count: 4560


"Hey handsome", Tyler said as he was in the back of the restaurant, feet on the bench which he sat on. He was leaning against the wall, smiling as he saw his lover. "Hey babe", Lucas smiled as he pecked Tyler's lips before he sat down opposite of him. "Sorry that I'm a bit late", he said. "Don't be sorry, what d'you have to be sorry for?" Tyler said with a smile. "You made sure Jenna and Josh got to their car safely. There's no way in hell that you have to apologize for that", he said. Lucas smiled softly, grabbing a piece of garlic bread that Tyler had already ordered for them.

"I just... they're young, I didn't want anything to happen", he said. "I really love that about you", Tyler said. "How you look out for everyone who respects you. Even if they're pretty much strangers", he said. "And I can't believe you actually met them. You risked so much", Tyler said. "Yeah I uh- I can't believe I did that either", he said with a soft laugh. "I uhm... it helps that they're- they're really nice", he said. "I... I wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise. Plus you were there and that really helped a lot too", he said. Tyler reached over to hold Lucas's hand. "I'm really proud of you", he said. "I know this uh... this won't change anything, between us and it doesn't change your dreams or your fears, and I'm not counting on that either. I'm not saying this because I'm now hoping that you'll be able to live with me on the road 'cause that's not the case, that's not true", Tyler said.

"I just... I'm just proud of you. For doing something you never thought you would do", he said. "And I'm grateful that you... you risked it all for them, but for me too, 'cause they were there because of me, and needed their stuff back because of me. I'm... I'm really thankful, and really proud of you", he said.

Lucas gently squeezed Tyler's hand. "Thank you, baby", he said. "I love you." "I love you too, Lucas", Tyler replied softly. "Uhm... sorry for uh, for crying about us earlier. I... I feel so dumb for doing that, I told you I could handle all of this, and I want to enjoy you until we run out of time and that I'll be fine but... then I just start crying about you and uh... I- I didn't mean to. I... I don't want you to change your mind or think that- that I can't handle it", he said softly. "So I... wanna say sorry, I wanna apologize for that", he said.

"Well, you shouldn't", Lucas said. "You shouldn't apologize for that. I mean, I know our situation isn't necessarily normal for people who break up, but I would feel worse if you were just completely unfazed by everything that we're going through", Lucas said. "And to me, some days are harder than others too. When we didn't talk for a while, before the Columbus show, I cried all day for, like, many days, because I was struggling with it. That uh... that didn't mean I was changing my mind, but I did struggle with it. And I still do, and I definitely still will once you're not here anymore. Once you're going to Europe", he said. Tyler bit his lip. "So you uh... you believe me? When I say that I can handle it, even if I cried about it just a while ago?" He asked. "Yeah, I do, as long as you keep telling me the truth then I will take anything you tell me as the truth. And uh... I listened to the lyrics as you sang it and there was something in particular that stood out and... you know your ex-lover doesn't hate you, hm?" Lucas said. He remembered the sentence clearly: and I understand every bit of you hates me.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now