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Surprise Friday afternoon update ♥️

I'd love to know if you're still here & reading those updates. If you can, please leave a vote so I know who's still here ♥️ I feel like lately some people stopped reading my story so it would mean a lot if you could leave a vote so I know you're still here ♥️

I love this story and writing for it. I cant wait for all that's to come. Some very sad things and some very happy things and I'm super invested. Love you, enjoy ♥️

Word count: 2522



Tyler was staring at that bridge of the song he was supposed to still finish, but he was doing badly. He wasn't getting anywhere.


Tyler swallowed difficultly. "Uh-huh?" He replied. The door opened slowly and Steve was in the doorway. "Hi", he said. "Hi", Tyler replied.

"Come spend time with me", Steve said.

Tyler looked away, back at the screen. "But I- I got this- the bridge", he muttered. "Please", Steve interrupted him. "No... no talking, about what's going on. Promise. I... I just need you. Need to spend time with you. ...please Ty", he asked softly.

Tyler's heart ached at the way he spoke the words, and he looked from Steve back to the screen. He hit save, then got up and he walked towards Steve, who was leaning against the door frame. Tyler came to a stop in front of him, avoiding Steve's eyes. "I... I'm here", Tyler said. "Can I... uhm... touch you?" Steve asked. Tyler's eyes then met his lover's. "Please", he said softly. Steve gently pulled Tyler closer and he wrapped his arms around him, and quickly Tyler returned the hug. He squinted his eyes closed and he inhaled deeply, nuzzling his nose into Steve's hoodie as he held on to his lover.

He missed him. He wasn't loving Steve hard enough, he wasn't holding him nearly enough. He wasn't being a good lover in many ways, because he was terrified of not having him at all. He didn't know how to get over the fear. He just knew that he was glad that Steve was holding him.

"Can we just... cuddle on the couch, watch something lighthearted? Just to spend time together?" Steve asked. Tyler nodded, tightening his arms around Steve's neck, his fingers gently grabbing on to his hair. "I'd love nothing more", Tyler whispered. Steve pulled back a little just so he could press a kiss on Tyler's forehead. "Come with me then, love", he said. Tyler nodded as they let go of each other, but their hands found each other quickly.

"Can we smoke?" Tyler asked. "Yeah, I could use one", Steve said, leading his lover out the back door and to the couch outside. They sat down on the same one, Tyler leaving a small gap between them as they both lit a cigarette and they sat next to each other in silence. Steve didn't move in to Tyler more, he remained in his seat, as Tyler was the one who created the gap between them.

Steve didn't know why, but he didn't want to ruin anything, so he respected the space Tyler needed. He always would, but in some cases Tyler actually wanted for Steve to get closer. This time, though, he was thankful that Steve understood that right now, wasn't a time like that.

As they sat there, and as Tyler's mind was racing about everything that happened lately and how badly he was struggling with it, how he thought of how desperately and how badly he wanted Steve to be save, while at the same time he absolutely did not want to control his lover or tell him he couldn't do certain things or go to certain places, he felt his mind overflow. Tears started dribbling down his cheeks, yet he still did not know how to handle any of it. Tyler was struggling, badly.

Steve took a drag from his cigarette, and he wanted to speak, but then didn't. He bit his lip, not knowing what to say. He knew what Tyler was doing was genuinely out of love, but that didn't mean that what he was doing was good for him. He just couldn't be mad at Tyler for it, but he really wished he could talk to Tyler about it properly so they could address it and work through it.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now