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Hi friends!!

Time for our weekly Wednesday update!

Was convinced that it was Monday for a sec but thank god it's Wednesday already bc I'm already so over work 😭

Thank you for all your feedback on last chapter! This is the chapter with big time skips! We're not there just yet, there's still several things that have to happen first that make these boys who they are. But this is def a big leap in the direction we're all waiting for so that's really exciting!! And I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you for being here, please enjoy this one. Next one will be published on Friday bc I need to write some more first before I can upload an extra chapter haha. Please don't forget to leave a vote!! It helps me so much. I'll see you on Friday! Please enjoy!

Word count: 3809


Tyler finished the first half of his North-American tour right before December, and they returned to Columbus on November 29th. He thought he would be returning to his empty, lonely apartment, but as he unlocked the door he smelled the scent of delicious homemade food, and he heard voices in the kitchen. As he walked inside, he saw that Steve and Lucas were making a meal.

"Tyler!" Lucas exclaimed as he saw him. "Wh- what are you guys doing here?" Tyler smiled softly. "I thought we wouldn't see each other 'til Detroit next week."

"There's no way we could miss your birthday on the day that it is your actual birthday", Steve smiled as Lucas was the first to hug Tyler tightly, then Steve followed. "Plus, we're not working right now... and Lucas had some days off left and had to use them before the end of the year, so", he shrugged with a smile.

"I love you guys", Tyler said as he hugged them both tightly. "Thank you so much. I had no idea you guys were gonna be here but that's the best surprise I could get right now, I need you two", he said. "I- I wasn't sure how I was gonna get through this with, y'know... the eating thing, on my own", Tyler said. "I had Mike and the guys around every day but when I am on my own again... that's when things get super tough again", he said. "I'm so glad you're both here."

"Of course baby, we knew we had to make this happen so we could be here with you", Lucas said. "Look, we even set up your Christmas tree", Steve smiled and Tyler's smile widened as he saw the tree in the living room. It made it so much cozier and more home-y.

"Turning twenty-six suddenly became a lot less scary now that you're here", Tyler smiled.


Tyler spent his birthday with his family, Steve and Lucas. The day after, the friends from his crew too. The second week of December they went up to Detroit and celebrated with the other I Prevail guys and some of their crew that Tyler had befriended, and Lucas and Tyler stayed in Steve's apartment with him for a week, before going back to Columbus. They spent the rest of the days up until Christmas together, when Lucas went to Cleveland and Steve back to Detroit. Tyler spent Christmas with his family and he stayed the nights at their home during the festive days too. Then Lucas picked him up the day after and they went back to Detroit where they held their Friendmas gathering and spent New Year's Eve together with Steve.

Josh went to California with Fred. He showed Fred around LA, his favorite spots but also the touristy ones. He avoided Jenna and Jonathon's neighborhoods in case they were home for the holidays too, and spent as many time with his siblings as he could. As Josh had predicted, they all loved Fred and especially Ashley and Abigail adored him.

Josh was glad he could get to spend more time with his sister again. He missed her, and wished she was closer. Ashley had started university too, but in Los Angeles, which meant she could live at home which made it easier and more affordable.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now