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Hi friends! Bit of a late update (meant to update sooner today but didn't have the chance!) but here it is! And im excited for you to read it! I've been really enjoying writing and I can't wait to hear what you think ♥️ I didn't get enough votes to upload yesterday so I hope you're not disappointed but here it is at least 🙂

Thank you for being here, I hope to see your votes and read your comments, love you!

Please enjoy ♥️ can't wait to hear what you think!

Word count: 3600


Josh and Fred had said goodbye to Kit, and they headed to their dorm room to grab their stuff. As they went outside, they found Colin waiting by Fred's car to hug them and send them off right. After they hugged tightly and Colin told him to send him all the pictures, Fred and Josh got in the car and they started their drive to Cincinnati.

"Did you send the texts?" Josh asked. "Yeah, I did", Fred nodded. Josh had asked him to send a text to his friends to explain Josh's situation - leaving out a few things like the STD - so they would understand why they hadn't seen Josh since the last time they visited Muncie, and why Fred and Josh weren't really friends for a while. He also asked them not to bring it up when they'd get there, because Josh didn't really want to talk about it; he just wanted to enjoy his weekend with Fred and his friends, and he couldn't wait to see Tyler again.

"Thank you", Josh said. "You said you'd mentioned something about it back then right? When it happened?" Josh asked. "Yeah... just vaguely", Fred said. "Just said that something happened and that we decided together to take time apart, our friendship... even though that's not fully true, and I'm the one who left", Fred said. "I just... didn't want to tell them how hurt I was, and what the reason for that was", he said. "So you were protecting me", Josh stated. "I... don't see it like that, not really", Fred said. "But you did", Josh replied. "Whether you see it like that or not."

Fred smiled softly at him. "I uh... I told Luca a bit more", Fred said. "He hasn't told the others because I asked him to, but... I was really struggling", Fred let out a soft laugh. "And I... texted with him, I told him about it a little bit more than what I told the others... but not as much as I told Kit", he said. "I just... needed to tell someone something, tell someone that I was struggling", Fred said. "But him being so far away, in Cincinnati... it didn't do as much as I hoped it would", he said. "So I talked to him about it twice and then I just dropped it... and I bottled it up and I didn't know where to stay and I ended up at Kit's dorm when I stayed with Colin for a few nights... but he's your best friend so I didn't feel too great about staying with Colin the whole time y'know", Fred said. "Especially 'cause I knew he was trying so hard to get you to tell him what was going on and he wasn't too sure whether he should still be my friend or hate me for hurting you", he chuckled.

"You weren't- weren't the reason for what happened", Josh said. "No I... I told him that", Fred said with a soft laugh. "I told him I was the one who got hurt... obviously not knowing the actual reason behind it", he said. "I... I think Colin believed me but he wouldn't ever pick my side over yours without figuring out what your side of the story was and what actually happened because neither of us told him... and I'm glad he's loyal like that", Fred said. "If you'd lost him because of me I would've smacked him in the face", he chuckled, and Josh did too.

"So yeah, I ended up at Kit's dorm", Fred said. "Which kind of worked perfectly actually... 'cause Kit's roommate dropped out, and there hasn't been any new students without a dorm from his year so he's got it to himself now. And because of the studying and all, Joe and Kit have this agreement that they can only spend the night during weekends together. I mean, he'd come over during the week for movies and whatnot but he wouldn't stay the night", Fred said. "And during the weekends I'd go to Joe's dorm and stay there while Joe stayed in Kit's, 'cause Joe's roommate goes home during the weekends because he lives nearby", Fred said.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now