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Hiiii friends! New chapter, yay!

Got two of my wisdom teeth pulled and it hurts like a motherfluffer but that means I do have a few days off work which means I get to write moreeeee!

Thank you for the comments and votes on last chapter <3 so glad you're enjoying it! Lots happening in this chapter though. Can't wait to hear what you think!

Just be patient okay, I got a plan for this whole story I promise c: I hope to see your votes and read your comments <3

Let's dive in! Quite a long one! Chapter 124 <3

Word count: 3200


Josh and Fred had dinner with his family. Since Josh had never had actual German food, Fred had requested schnitzel with fries and a salad, which Josh quickly learned to love, before they had dessert. "Grandma and I made Kaiserschmarrn!" Fred's mom told them. Josh raised his eyebrows. "A what now?" He asked. "Kaiserschmarrn", Fred chuckled. "It's a lightly sweetened pancake cut up into pieces, with apple sauce, raisins, dried cranberries and powdered sugar. It's more of a shared dessert between Austria and Bavaria, than it is a German desert", he said. "Bavaria is part of Germany, though." "I think I've heard of that place", Josh said. "You might've! It's quite a well-known area in Germany", he said.

As Josh tried the dessert, he understood why it was so popular in Europe. It was nice and sweet, but the cranberries gave it a winter-y undertone that he loved. "Your pancakes are so different from ours. These are... flat", Josh said. "Yeah, American pancakes on the other hand are very fluffy", Fred nodded. "And in America pancakes are a breakfast item mostly, but in Germany and other European countries it's more eaten as either lunch or dessert. Sometimes even as dinner", Fred said. "I can't really imagine having pancakes for dinner", Josh chuckled. "Because you've never had true European pancakes!" Fred smiled.

"Am I not having those now?" Josh asked. "Ohhh no, no no, kaiserschmarrn are not the same as pfannkuchen. One uses the other, but not the other way around", he said.

"Germany is confusing", Josh said, which made them laugh. "You're learning quickly, though!" Fred's dad said with a smile, which made Josh smile too.


The boys decided not to go out anymore, but just stay in and spend the evening together in Fred's room after they played another card game with his family right after dinner. Fred wanted to take Josh to Indianapolis, but they decided they'd do that during the next trip, that would hopefully be a bit longer.

For now, they decided to make use of the double bed as much as they could.


Josh couldn't believe he'd been intimate with Fred two nights in a row, but God, was he in deep. It didn't feel like something reckless, or like a one-night-stand type of thing. He'd known Fred for months, he felt so comfortable and safe around him. Even though they hadn't been more than friends before, he didn't need to think about whether or not he was ready to have sex with him. It just felt right, right away, and he appreciated that so much. Something about Fred made him his comfort person, in a way.

It brought them even closer together than the first time had, 'cause at first they didn't know how they'd feel afterwards. But now, knowing neither regretted it and they wanted to experience it together again, that proved that it was so much more than just a fling, just a hookup. It meant a lot to both of them, so much that they trusted each other with their bodies so much easier than they ever did with other people.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now