⭒ CXIX ⭒

126 21 19

Hi friends!

I just published a chapter yesterday but I'm in a lot of pain and not working a lot rn bc of my flipping tooth so I figured I'd just update again :))))

So here's the new chapter already! Sooner than I was planning, but I like seeing your reactions and your opinions and I love writing and publishing these for you sooo yeah! Here it is!

I hope you like it! I hope to heart what you think of it! Little bit of a time skip in this chapter, 'cause that's what we're trying to do again for a while now.

Can't wait to hear what you think. Thank you for being here! Love <3

Word count: 2735


Since Josh told Colin about the fact that he had feelings for Fred and he was struggling with what happened between Dustin and him, he felt like Colin had softened and was extra gentle with him. Especially once Josh told Colin about everything that Colin had made him feel; judged, mostly. Colin was gentle, he approached things in a much softer way, he listened without jumping to giving advice right away because Josh simply didn't always want or need advice. He just wanted to be able to talk to someone about things that went on. He just wanted to feel like he was not alone.

A few days before Christmas, Josh flew home to Los Angeles. He finally saw his parents again, his siblings, his family. But also, he saw Jenna and Jonathon again. It felt nostalgic, and a little odd, to spend time with just them again. No Colin, no Kit and Joe, no Fred, no Gracie, no Inez, Michelle, Dustin or anyone else. Just him, Jenna and Jonathon.

They baked cookies and bought each other presents. They watched Christmas movies and made gingerbread houses, sang along to Christmas songs and had so much fun being together again. Josh felt lucky that he still had these two in his life; they truly changed it for the better, even though it didn't always feel like his life got any better. Once he got rid of his old friends and replaced them with Jenna and Jonathon, a lot really did get better. It's just been ruined by lots of other things again. But at least Josh now knew he was deserving of friends who loved him. Somehow, he managed to get close to several people in college, and he was so grateful for it.

Jonathon was much happier than when Josh saw him during their fall break. He proudly told them that he now, thankfully, had also made a few friends. He was so happy he wasn't alone in college anymore, and maybe Josh was even happier about it. Jonathon didn't deserve to be alone, especially when he was the kindest, most loving human on the planet. Josh was glad that he found people deserving of his love.

Josh liked being able to have a break from Detroit. He missed Colin and Fred, and his friends. Oh, and Dustin, of course. Obviously he missed his boyfriend, he told himself. But he was also glad he could take a break from that. He could let go of his stress about college better this way. He appreciated that, in a way. He just wished that Colin would've been able to be there as well, but he was at home in Columbus with his family.

Tyler went to his family's place for Christmas. Lucas was in Cleveland and Steve was in Detroit, with their own families. But as soon as Christmas day was over, that night, both Steve and Lucas made their way back to Columbus to have an extra day of Christmas with their own little family; the three of them.

They all knew that mentally, Tyler was the most vulnerable at the moment. So they didn't let Tyler make the drive to Cleveland or Detroit, but they'd meet at Tyler's apartment. It helped make his apartment feel much more like home, luckily. He felt much more comfortable the more time he spent there with his soulmates.

They didn't leave until after they celebrated New Year's Eve. Only on January 7th, they finally left. Still, that was much too soon for Tyler. He wished he could live with the both of them every day, all day, for the rest of his life. They just worked perfectly together that way.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now