⭒ III ⭒

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the votes and comments on the first two chapters! Makes me so so happy!

I didn't publish a chapter over the weekend because whenever I update my other story over the weekend, hardly anyone seems to read it haha so I waited 'til right now - Monday for me - to publish a new chapter!

I hope you'll enjoy it! I'm just so excited to write more. The next two chapters are written and ready to be published so in the next few days there'll be more chapters! I really hope you'll like it and I'd love to hear from you by leaving a vote or a comment. Thank you for your support! Here we go, chapter 3!♥️

Word Count: 5388


Tyler sat on the chair in front of their motel room at 3 AM, while Jordan, Mark and Michael were sharing the two beds in the room. He had a cigarette dangling from his lips, taking drags regularly, as he stared at the stars in the night sky. His cheeks felt raw, wet; he felt his stomach rumble, but he ignored it. He had been extremely annoyed with Jordan, but he didn't want to be an asshole. He knew he could be an asshole, and he hated it. At times like that, he wished he had never picked up that toy piano or downloaded that music recording program. He wished they were just regular high school friends that hung out in Michael's parents' basement even when they were either in college or working.

But that wasn't the case. Tyler had been doing this for six years, not even considering college to be an option, and two years ago, his friends who had started college, all dropped out to go on tour with him pretty much full time.

Tyler felt guilty, at times. If he wasn't gonna be successful, if he didn't get them more money, nicer hotels, a tour bus, fancier dinners than Taco Bell every other night, then what would he even be giving his friends who had given up so much for him? Who had dropped out of college for him, who didn't pursue certain dreams because they believed in Tyler? What if he would lose his fans, would lose everything that he had been trying to build the last six years? He would've not only ruined his own life, but his friends' lives. And that was even worse.

He felt bad for being angry at Jordan, but God, he made him so angry by yelling at him like that in front of his fans. If he would lose his fans, he would lose everything, and Jordan didn't realize how crucial it was to keep them. No fans would mean no success, and no success meant no money, and no money meant no future, time wasted, and ruined lives.

He wiped his cheeks, taking a drag from his cigarette. He glanced at the main building of the motel, which had a vending machine. As soon as the thought popped into his head, he pushed it away. He didn't have to eat. He wasn't hungry.


"Yeah mom I'll be careful, don't worry!" Josh said as he kissed her cheek and he got in the car. "Take care of him Jenna!" Laura said and she nodded. "I will, don't worry!" Jenna promised. Josh got in the car with some snacks and drinks that his mother had gotten for them, after he tossed his backpack in the trunk, and he closed the door. They waved at Josh's parents as they drove off.

"Okay Josh, no offense, but you look nearly dead", Jenna said. "Thanks", Josh muttered. "Why are you so tired?" She asked. "I stayed up 'til like 5 AM listening to Tyler's songs and watching videos", Josh sighed, and Jenna turned the volume of the radio up a little bit, so they could listen to Tyler's music better. "And? What did you think?" She asked. Josh let his head fall back against the head rest, before he sighed and lulled his head to the left, looking at Jenna.

"...I might be in love", he muttered. Jenna grinned. "I knew you would love him as much as I do!" She said excitedly. "And he's handsome as heck too right?!" She said and Josh blushed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah he's pretty good looking", he said, and Jenna smirked at him. "Oh you're definitely crushing on him", she said and Josh slapped her arm gently. "Stop it", he blushed. "Hey I don't blame you! He's my celebrity crush too", she laughed. "Now we can talk about how insanely handsome he is together."

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now