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Hi friends! We're back with a new update! I know updates have been slower lately but I've been busy, while still trying to write! The next chapter is halfway done so I'll be able to update pretty soon again!

I hope you enjoyed last chapter!! And I hope you'll enjoy this one. Ty and Joshie are both in it, and I know we all love that the most haha, so I think you might like this one!

I hope to hear from you and see your votes! They always make me so happy! ♥️

Let's dive into the new chapter! Hope you enjoy. Love you!! ♥️

Word count: 5537


"So... a threesome, huh?" Steve said.

Tyler let out a soft whine. "Don't- don't say it like that", he muttered. Steve let out a soft laugh as he laced his hand with Tyler's. "I'm just discovering that you're much kinkier than I thought you were", Steve said. "Yeah well I didn't realize that before either", Tyler muttered softly. "I feel awful about it." "Don't do that baby, you can't change what interests you", Steve said. "You've had those dreams about it, so... have you been... thinking about it too?" Steve asked. He saw Tyler swallow difficultly, and he knew what that meant. Tyler just had a very tough time admitting to it.

"Maybe", was the soft mutter he decided to go with. "And it's something that interests you, right? Something you think you might be into?" Steve asked. "Steve this is- this is really hard for me to talk to you about", Tyler mumbled. "I just... feel so guilty", he said. "I know it might be hard for you baby, but it's not hard for me. And if there's one person you should be able to talk about this with, it's me, right? I'm your boyfriend. I'm your partner", Steve said. "I wanna talk to you about this openly and honestly and I wanna understand you and know what your thoughts are. Try to just... be open with me, okay? No judgement from me, love", he said.

Tyler took a deep breath, thinking it over, but then he nodded. "Yeah, yeah okay", he sighed softly. "Good", Steve smiled gently. "So... is it something you think you might be into?" Steve asked. Tyler bit his lip. "I... yeah", he admitted. "I just... I saw you and Luke make out, and it just... It was so much hotter to me than I admitted", he sighed as he ran a hand down his face. "Seeing you together just... turned me on", he said softly.

"And... Luke, he... he means so much to me. He always took such good care of me and he still does, and you... When we had sex that first time, that was so important to me. I am so glad that I could have sex with you without messing up and we've been intimate a lot of times since then already and it all feels so good", Tyler said.

"And whenever I thought back to... your... kiss", Tyler said. "Yours and Lucas's... And how much you mean to me, and how you take care of me and look after me and make sure I'm always feeling incredible, whether it's in our daily life or when we're intimate... I just... my- my mind started putting all of that together", he softly said.

"The idea of having the two men that love and care for me the most in the entire world, take care of me in that way together at the same time just... made me feel way more than I would like to admit", he muttered. "...and I felt so guilty about it towards you, so I just... pushed it out, and tried to- to block it but then the goddamn fucking dreams started", he sighed frustratedly. "It didn't leave me alone", he whispered softly.

"You know you can always just be honest with me, don't you baby? I don't think I've ever judged you before", Steve said. "Yeah, you haven't, but... I- I mean, you know I love Luke and he's my best friend, but... he's also still my ex", he muttered. "I know baby. Can I have one of yours?" He asked as he pointed at Tyler's pack of cigarettes. "Oh, yeah, of course", Tyler nodded as he grabbed the pack, putting one cigarette between his own lips before he gave one to Steve as well, sharing the lighter right after one another.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now