⭒ LX ⭒

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Hi friends! We're back with a new chapter already, woohoo! I honestly love updating several days in a row. Thank you sooo much for all of your votes! They make me so happy ♥️♥️♥️

Joshie is back again this chapter! And every chapter after this too! So I hope you'll enjoy it and I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

Let's just dive in and let's see what's happening in this chapter! Can't wait for you to read it ♥️ love you!! Thank you for your support! I hope to update again tomorrow ♥️♥️

Word count: 5411


"I should get going, give you two some privacy", Lucas said as he let go of Tyler. "Oh no, it's almost 5 PM already. At least stay over for dinner", Steve said. Tyler looked at his boyfriend, still a little surprised that he was so open to Lucas, and it took Lucas by slight surprise too. "Are you sure? I really don't wanna overstay my welcome", Lucas said. "Oh not at all, Lucas. C'mon, stay for dinner. I know a great Japanese restaurant not too far away. We could order some takeaway", Steve said. Lucas looked at Tyler. "...what do you say, Ty?" He asked. "Would you mind if I stayed a bit longer?" "Not at all", Tyler told his best friend. "Of course not." "Then if you're sure, I would like to take you up on your offer", Lucas said. "Oh I'm sure", Steve smiled.

"Ty and I will be staying here until after the concert, by the way", Steve said. "So when you come here next Friday, you can stay the weekend with us here", he added. "Wh- no, dude, c'mon I don't wanna interfere with everything you guys have planned", Lucas said. "You won't! We'll be here for over a week, and then we'll go to my house a few days after the show, and we'll have plenty of alone time. You're my baby's best friend, of course you gotta stay at our place. You shouldn't have to pay for a hotel if you could easily use the guest room", Steve said. Lucas looked over at Tyler, who looked at him in a hopeful way, a soft smile on his face as Tyler somehow felt pride in how Steve handled these situations, and how he was making sure that Lucas was part of Tyler's life. It felt incredible, and it made him feel extremely lucky.

"Okay, I- yeah, alright, I will", Lucas then said and Steve smiled. "Awesome", he said. Lucas returned the smile. "Could you tell me where the bathroom is?" Lucas then asked. "It's down that hall, second door on the right", Steve said. "Thanks", Lucas smiled as he walked away, leaving Tyler and Steve in the room together.

Tyler carefully walked up to his lover, sitting down next to him on the couch and he gently reached out to the cat in his lap. "I saw you met Snickers already", Steve smiled. Tyler nodded, feeling the smile return on his lips again. "Yeah, Snickers came to comfort me earlier", Tyler said as he scratched the kitty behind its ears. "Snickers doesn't like everyone right away, but it's clear to see that he loves you immediately. I trust Snickers' judgement in people", he said and Tyler let out a laugh. "I'm Snickers-approved?" He asked. "Oh yeah, for sure", Steve smiled.

Tyler wanted to say something, but he hesitated. He saw that Steve knew he wanted to say something, and they'd just talked about being open and honest, so Tyler breathed in before he pushed himself to talk. "Are you sure that we're okay? That you- that you don't, like, hate me or something? Do you still love me and want me to be here or are you hesitating or not sure, or would you rather have me leave-", Tyler rambled. Steve shut him up with a kiss.

"I love you", he told Tyler. "I'm sure about you. I knew what I signed up for when I started to truly know you, and when you asked me to be your boyfriend. I knew some things were unusual and I had to get used to them, I knew I had to put in extra effort to get to know you and learn how to respect you. But never did I think you weren't worth it, or that I wanted you to change. I wanna love you for who you are, the real you, and everything that has to do with it. We're okay, Ty, we're more than okay. I absolutely do not hate you, I am madly in love with you, and the fact that you guys told me the truth and explained to me what was exactly going on, is what is the most important to me. That, and the fact that you truly love me. That's all I need to know. I love you, I'm sure about us, I want you to be mine", Steve said.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now