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Hi guys! New chapter yay! Been six days since the last update so it's not too bad this time! I got the next chapter ready as well, so it won't be long before you get another one ♥️

Can't wait to hear what you think! And to see your votes of course, they make me so happy! I'm trying to balance writing, my social life and my new work like and it's asking quite a bit of me lol but I'm managing fairly well so far! Thank you for being here, for waiting and being patient. Means the world to me 'cause I really don't wanna stop writing like I did several years ago! I love it too much ♥️

Let's dive in. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter! All my love to you, hope you like it ♥️

Word count: 2935


Josh was panicking. His mind was so filled with so many thoughts that he could hardly pay attention at any class for the rest of the day. When he was done, Colin called him but he ignored the multiple calls, hoping he wouldn't bump into him as he walked down the path between the grass fields on his way to his dorm. He held on to the straps of his backpack tightly, his heart racing - it hadn't calmed down for a long time. He was very close to having a panic attack.

Josh's eyes shot up when he heard a voice in the distance, and saw Dustin talking to some of his friends. Josh came to a stop, breathing in a shaky sigh, swallowing difficultly as he tried to calm himself down a bit. He then changed directions and walked towards Dustin.

He came to a stop behind him. "...hi", he said, and Dustin turned around. "Oh! Hi babe", he grinned. "Can we... talk?" Josh asked, trying his best to act casual. "Sure, yeah", Dustin said as he said something to his friends before he lead Josh away from them to find a spot to talk in private.

"What's up?" Dustin asked, kissing the corner of Josh's lips, and he let it happen 'cause he felt like he was frozen in place. "U-Uhm... so... S-so last night..." Josh trailed.

"Right, that was fun huh?" Dustin grinned. Josh felt the blush on his cheeks, averting his gaze. "S-so we uh, we... got... ...together? L-like in a- in a relationship?" He asked. "Yeah, you don't remember?" Dustin chuckled. When Josh didn't reply, Dustin quirked an eyebrow. "Really? You don't?" He asked.

"N-no, no I do", Josh quickly said. "I just- I can't remember everything exactly so- so I'm- j-just making sure that it r-really happened and- and I didn't just... dream it or s-something", he quickly said, his chest screaming with anxiety. "Ahh, alright", Dustin smirked. "So, let's go somewhere. Grab dinner together or something", Dustin said. Josh raised his eyebrows slightly. "Oh- oh uhm I- I uh, I'm actually meeting with- with Colin today", Josh made up quickly. "S-sorry." "Ah, the famous best friend. Of course", Dustin said. Josh frowned softly. "W-what's that s-supposed to m-mean?" He asked. "Nothing. Just hope he'll stop hovering around you after a while, give us some personal time too", he said. Josh didn't know what to say to that.

"I- I gotta go make my h-homework before I- I have to leave so..." he trailed as he pointed over his shoulder. "Right, I'll see you later then", Dustin smiled, and before Josh could process it, or have the chance to step back or pull away, before he knew it, Dustin was kissing him deeply again.

And this time, being fully sober, it didn't feel even remotely the same as it did the day before.

When Dustin pulled back, Josh averted his gaze. "Bye", he said softly, then turned around and walked away to his dorm.

As he got to his room, he opened the door to see Fred behind his computer again, like always it seemed, his headphones on his head. He looked up when Josh came in, said hi with a soft smile and Josh returned it, before Fred's attention was back on the screen.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now