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Hiii! Welcome back! Been writing so much for this story that I'm already writing chapter 9 while I'm only uploading chapter 5 right now. Kinda wish you would be able to read what I wrote right after I wrote it (instead of writing ahead so much), but I don't wanna update too quickly and I want everyone to have a chance to read each chapter properly before I'm updating the next one already. Just notice how the votes come in slower when I upload each day, so I'm trying not to rush it even though I am sooo eager to get these chapters out haha.

Thank you all so much for the votes and the comments on the chapters so far! They make me so so happy. Hope to keep hearing from you and I hope you'll continue to leave votes 'cause they help me out soo much and really have the power to boost my story. And I just love to hear your feedback and read your comments <3

Time jump one coming in hot! Let's dive in to it. Enjoy, guys! Would love to hear what you think. <3

Word count: 5571


A month after Tyler's hometown shows, he was on the small balcony of his small apartment that was on the top floor of the six story building. He had his laptop in his lap, a cigarette in his hand, and he was listening to some of his demos through his headphones.

He put the cigarette between his lips before he reached over to the side table, grabbing his notebook and a pen. He jotted down some of the key information in one of the emails he'd gotten from a record label, before he flipped the page and opened a different email, from a different record label, writing down the most important info again.

He was trying to compare them. Trying to see who would be the best fit. He hadn't told his friends yet, but he really wanted to try and get signed. He hadn't wanted to do that at all, for the longest time, but Tyler had taken a month to think and reflect and research everything, and had decided that this was the right thing to do - and the only thing he could do to make sure that his friends and he himself would have better lives.

He bit his lip as he grabbed his phone. He took a drag from his cigarette and debated whether or not he should call Michael. Michael didn't just do his security; he was his tour manager, and kind of regular manager too because he didn't really have a manager. He mostly did it himself, with some help from Michael. When Tyler started off, his mom helped him do that stuff, because he started making music and performing when he was only 16 years old. But once Tyler turned 19, she started taking a few steps back, letting Tyler's friends join in to help, and by the age of 20, she mostly let them do everything themselves. Not that she didn't want to help; she was always there to help. But Tyler wanted to do it himself.

He sighed softly before he dialed Michael's phone number. After just a few seconds, the call had been answered.

"Hey Ty! How are you? Haven't heard anything from you in like two weeks", he said. "Hey, yeah, been taking a bit of a break I guess", Tyler said. "Uhm... we gotta talk. Can you come over?" Tyler asked. "Yeah, for sure. I'll bring some dinner. What d'you want?" Michael asked. "Uhm... sushi?" Tyler asked, trying to find a takeaway meal that was relatively healthy. "That one place that has the seaweed salad. And get some edamame too. I'll give you money for the food when you're here", Tyler said.

"No need. I just won't get all the fancy shit", Michael said and Tyler smiled. "Yeah, keep it simple. Some maki, some nigiri, maybe a bit of sashimi. But I don't need temaki or urumaki or anything like that", Tyler said. "Alright, I'll get the nigiri, maki, seaweed salad, edamame and maybe some sashimi. Be there in, like, 45 minutes alright?" Michael said. "Yeah, alright. See you then", Tyler said before ending the call.

He brought the cigarette up to his lips, taking a drag from it as he extended his legs to rest his feet on the balustrade. He continued to write down important things of several emails, including the addresses of their HQs.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now