⭒ CVI ⭒

124 18 16

Hi guys! New chapter, yay!

How's summer treating you? Ever since we got back it's been pretty cold & rainy all day and the sun hardly shines lol this doesn't feel like summer at all. It's more like autumn right now, but tbh I don't mind it bc I love autumn 😅 wish it'd feel a bit more like summer though!

How's the weather where you are? Summer-y vibes or not at all like here?

I've been working again but still I'm trying to write as much as possible! And I got a new chapter for you!

Let's dive in. Enjoy! I hope you like it. I'd love to hear what you think of it and see your votes. Love you! ♥️

Word count: 2870


As soon as they talked it out, both of them felt so much better. Josh was dancing with Jonathon now as well, Jenna was snapping pictures of them and Josh wanted a polaroid taken. He was so glad to have his friend back, and feel secure again. His nerves were gone, and now the week could really start.

As Josh was dancing with Fred once again, Jonathon noticed that Colin sat down with a drink and he was texting someone. He went up to him and sat next to him, a little hesitant as he didn't want to interrupt, but Colin didn't seem to mind at all. He immediately pocketed his phone and had a huge smile on his face. "Hi Jonnie! How are you feeling?" He asked as he pulled him close by wrapping one arm around his neck.

"Much better", Jonathon smiled. "You and Josh talked it out, hm?" Colin smiled. Jon nodded. "I'm glad we did. Stuff's been... hard, lately. I'm just glad I got him back", he sighed softly. "You got me and Jenna as well, don't forget that yeah? And all these other people here will love you and be your friend too, I know they will. Not out of pity, just because they'll genuinely love you", he said, and Jon rolled his eyes with a soft smile. "Thank you C", he smiled as he rested his head on Colin's shoulder.

"So..." Jon trailed. "So?" Colin asked, knowing that Jon wanted to ask something.

"So... Does Josh's boyfriend treat him right? Genuinely?" Jonathon  asked Colin. "Even though he's 23?" He added. "I- uhm... yeah! Yeah  he's- he's... okay!" Colin said.

Jon frowned. "Okay? He's okay? What does that mean? Josh said you all liked him! That he treats him well", Jonathon said. "I- well..." Colin trailed.

"...C,  don't lie to me", Jonathon asked softly, voice fragile. Colin let out a  soft sigh, then he rubbed his forehead in slight frustration and  dilemma.

"...okay, don't- don't tell Josh that I said this. I need you to promise me or I'll come after you if I lose him because you told him this", Colin said, and Jonathon knew he was serious. "I promise, I really do. I won't tell him", Jonathon said. Colin nodded softly.

"Truth  is that I... I don't like this guy", Colin said softly. "Not at all.  I've known him for a few years and I never liked him. He's... weird. Not  in a geeky, goofy kind of weird. He just... doesn't give off nice  vibes. I don't... I don't trust him", Colin said.

"Kit and Joe...  they don't have good memories with him either. Fred didn't know him before, but Kit and Joe did. They only got bad memories with the guy. All three of us don't  like this guy, but... we're- we wanna protect Josh. We're trying to  protect him", Colin said.

"Protect him? Protect him how?  When none of you trust this guy! Why didn't you tell that to Josh? Why  didn't you make him aware? Why would you let them be together if you  don't like the guy at all and apparently none of you do? If you don't  trust him? What if Josh ends up getting hurt?" Jonathon started  rambling.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now