⭒ XLIX ⭒

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Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone ♥️♥️♥️

Here's your Christmas present! A new chapter, yay!

⚠️Because Wattpad messed up the notifications for last chapter, make sure to check out if you read that one already or not! I wouldn't want you to miss a chapter!

I hope you're having a wonderful time and you'll find a nice moment to read the chapter. If you'd like to give me a Christmas present 🎁 back, please consider leaving a vote and maybe also a comment to tell me what you thought of the chapter! 'Cause I love hearing your opinion and I love to see who reads my chapters and enjoys them. I love you!

Hope you'll enjoy this chapter. All my love goes to you guys and your families if they're good people, merry Christmas and I hope to hear what you think of this ♥️♥️ enjoy!

Word count: 5132


"Would you mind singing or rapping about something that's not necessarily your own experience?" Steve asked. "How do you mean?" Tyler asked. "Well... We've texted a lot but I haven't mention this", Steve said. "I don't know if you already know as it can be found online but I just didn't feel right telling you this over text", he said. Tyler frowned softly as he turned a little, to face Steve more. "...okay", Tyler trailed.

"I used to have a bit of a drug problem a few years ago", Steve said. Tyler raised his eyebrows as he heard Steve speak the words. "Like, addicted?" He asked and Steve nodded. "It's been several years, I've gone to rehab for it, I've been off hard drugs ever since and never went back, or really had the urge to go back as I ruined my life with it. I mean, I smoke weed once in a while with my buds, but it's soft drugs and it's not ruining my life and I only do it together with them so they can keep an eye on me", he said. "I never had an alcohol problem, so I drink with them too, but again, not often. Just once in a while", he said.

"Do you think you'd ever fall back to doing hard drugs again?" Tyler asked. "Honestly, I really don't", Steve said. "I know that might be hard to believe as I was the one who had a drug addiction but it was genuinely ruining my life in so many ways and I never wanna be that person ever again. I wanna enjoy my life and be present for it. Honestly it feels more like a fever dream than anything else. And I've been on many parties, we've been on tour with bands that were absolutely hooked on hard drugs, taking a mix of coke and pills and all that every night, but I never once accepted their offers to take some too, and I never asked, and I never did after I got out of rehab. You can ask the guys, I'm telling the truth", Steve said.

"You- I- I- I don't need to ask", Tyler said. "Hey Brian?" Steve then spoke up loudly, catching his friend's attention. "Steve, I just said I- I don't need to ask", Tyler said softly. "I know, and I really love that you don't, but I want you to know I'm truly honest about it", Steve said. Tyler nodded softly. "Okay", he said.

"Can you come over here for a second?" Steve asked. Brian got up from his seat and he jogged over to them. "Sup?" He asked. "Have I ever taken or done any drugs after getting out of rehab?" Steve asked. "Never", Brian replied. "Why?" "I just told Ty about it", Steve said. "Oh, oh he didn't know yet?" He asked. "Nope", Steve said. "Well, he never did. He's a strong motherfucker 'cause we didn't even have to keep him from accepting any drugs or getting any drugs. He just never did it again 'cause he chose to live instead", Brian said.

"Which I'm really glad you did", Brian smiled at Steve, who returned the smile. "That was all", he smiled and Brian nodded as he got up, going back to the other guys.

"I know you already said you believe me but I really hope you truly believe me now", he said. "I do", Tyler said, carefully reaching over to gently squeeze Steve's hand, before he let go again. "I'm glad you told me", Tyler said. "I'm glad I did too. I just hope you won't think any differently of me now that you know I've been in rehab", he said. "No, no of course not. I've been in rehab too", Tyler said. "Excuse me?" Steve asked, a bit stunned. "Well I guess rehab isn't really the right word but that's what I've been calling it in my mind", Tyler muttered. "I guess it was more a... A recovery clinic, place, treatment facility, center, whatever. For my eating disorder", Tyler said.

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