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Hi friends! We're back with the next chapter!

Kind reminder that while I do base this story off of actual places, some stuff is made up just bc I want to so not all of the spots and places are realistic and actually existing in those places ♥️

Thank you for already adding the second book to your library and leaving a vote on the foreword! So glad most people already seem to have found it!

ICYMI, there'll be a new book for Let's Recelebrate (part 2) soon! You can already add it to your library as the foreword has been published. But the chapters will first be uploaded here for another little while before making the switch!

Thank you for being here and for reading this, for your support, it means the world. Please enjoy this chapter ♥️ much love!

Word count: 3665


Tyler insisted on paying when they finished their meals, and they went outside. Tyler told Josh that he had borrowed Steve's car, so that's what they used to drive to the spot Josh meant.

It was near the water, at a nature-y part of Detroit. It was a wooded area next to the water that had a small trail, but it wasn't very busy. Josh and his friends came here once in a while to escape the business of the city.

They parked the car at a nearby car park and got out. "We usually walk that way", Josh said. "Alright, then we'll do that too", Tyler said as he locked the car and they started their walk.

Josh didn't really know what to do with himself at first, as this was something new, something he had not done before. He put his hands in his pocket and he was a bit quiet, but Tyler had a skip in his step as he let his arms dangle, skipping around a bit. "This is nice, it's really pretty", he smiled as he looked around. "Kind of feels more like home. It's rare to find spots where I can be on my own, or just with a friend, like now, without having to have Michael with me. Don't get me wrong, I love Mikey, but sometimes I get tired of having to take him with me just because he's my security", Tyler said.

"He doesn't really know that I'm even here now", he said. "He doesn't?" Josh asked. "Nope, and he'd kill me if he knew I went out without telling him where I am", he chuckled. "Steve and Luke have my location though, in case something happens. It's definitely not that I don't trust you by the way, 'cause I very much trust you", Tyler smiled at Josh. "Just in case someone else would recognize me and something would happen. But I was not gonna let Michael insist to tag along today so I didn't tell him", Tyler chuckled.

Josh let out a laugh. "Do you do that often, not tell him?" he asked. "No, not really. Not often", Tyler said. "Usually I don't go out much to places without him or I just don't really go to many places at all", he said. "And usually I also don't mind him third wheeling but today that wasn't gonna happen."

Josh smiled softly to himself. Tyler wanted to just be alone with Josh, for privacy. That made him feel all kinds of things that he didn't really know how to describe. But what he knew is that it felt special to him, and he felt the butterflies in his stomach.

"I want you to tell me about your time here", Tyler then said. "What did you study, how long were you here, what are you doing now? What was it like living here with your friends?" Tyler asked.

And so Josh told him plenty of things about his time in Detroit and about college, but what he didn't mention, is Dustin. He just felt like he wasn't ready to talk about that yet, at least not in that moment, not when they were having a nice walk through nature with a view of the lake while the sun shone on their skin. He wanted to enjoy his walk in spring with Tyler without having to think about the guy that made his life a living hell for a while.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now