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Okay I'm a bit on a rolllll whoohoo! Long chapter! I really hope you enjoy it! Something's happening that I don't think you expected, but to be honest I didn't expect it either because I was certain I wouldn't do that because I had other plans but oh well I did it after all haha so here we are! I hope you'll enjoy it! I think you will! Excited for you to read this! <3

Please don't forget to leave a vote! Thank you all so much for all the votes on the last two chapters, they make me so super duper happy! And I'm so happy I get to update this story again for you. Love you soooo much to the moon and back and I hope you'll enjoy this one! Can't wait to hear from you. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think of my chapters 'cause it genuinely makes my day!

Let's dive in! It's a long chapter! Enjoy <3

Word count: 7503


Because of the whole fiasco where Josh's jacket got stolen, Tyler had decided not to do the Q&A after all because there was too little time. But as Tyler had told Josh, a while before the doors opened, Michael and Jordan were there to let them know that they were gonna open the doors soon, and Josh had gathered all his courage to ask if Michael could keep Jenna and his pillows and towels backstage, together with his backpack. He kept the important stuff on him, like his wallet and his phone, but the rest that they had used to wait all day, Michael was happy to take backstage and keep it safe for them during the show.

A band called The Rosies, a local band from Cleveland, opened for Tyler that night. (lil AN: no i did not choose this because Rosie is called Rosie, I was really just looking at random local artists in several cities in Ohio to see who could open for Tyler in this story and I haven't checked them out but they seemed pretty cool so I went with them haha. ok back to the story!) They enjoyed hearing them play, but obviously they were most excited for Tyler. In between Tyler's set and the support act's set, they talked to Allison and Saïd, who had gotten a locker to keep their stuff safe because they didn't want to be piggybacking off of Josh being particularly liked by Tyler.

It was nice to be so close to the stage, together with the other people who had waited all day, and it was a bit odd for the first people who had been in line outside for a little while, to see that there were a bunch of people inside and at the stage already. Josh overheard several people explaining, and some other people just mentioned that they saw it on Twitter and were super jealous that they had been to late to be in time to wait inside all day. Of course the pictures of Tyler with everyone in the room had taken Twitter by storm, as well as videos of him soundchecking, talking to people, and of course the incident where Josh's jacket was stolen had also been shared. Luckily, not too much, and Josh wasn't very visibly on screen.

Tyler again started his set by playing Lonely, and it was definitely quickly becoming one of Josh's favorites. He played some older songs, a few new ones from the EP, before he got to the front of stage, putting his microphone in the mic stand. "Hi Josh", he smirked, and Josh rolled his eyes with a blush as he waved. Tyler let out a soft laugh. "That's like, the third or fourth time he's said hi to you when he's on stage", Jenna giggled. "I love it", she said. "Shush, you're making it awkward", Josh giggled.

"Since this isn't really a normal tour, I can basically just do whatever I want", Tyler said. "Maybe you noticed that already. In Columbus, during night one, I released my new EP called The Broken Heart's Society. During the second night, I did a mash up of different Lady Gaga songs that I covered. Today, I'm doing something different again", he said. "So without further ado, hit it, Shap", Tyler said, and the track started.

"He's got religious with the rhinestones, takes care of business on his cellphone. It's just a matter of oh, don't touch me, don't you dare touch me no more", Tyler started to sing, and Josh recognized that it was the song that Tyler had soundchecked earlier that day. He just loved how Tyler sung it, and even though he hadn't heard the original yet, he was sure he would love both of them. "Hey, you got all the money, honey. Your eyes are looking runny and red. Hey, you think all your friends are funny, but all your friends are way overfed", he sang.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now