⭒ CLVI ⭒

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Hi friends! I don't think everyone has been able to read yesterday's chapter yet but I'm impatient and I just wanna update again lol

So for everyone who hasn't read yesterday's chapter yet: hi! You got two to read now! :) please don't forget to leave a vote on last chapter as well though 🥺 I'd really appreciate that!!

Both Ty and Josh are in this chapter! And it's quite a long one! Excited for you to read this :) some time skips in both of those but the big one has yet to come sooo just a bit more patience please! I promise it'll be worth it ♥️

Thank you for being here, can't wait to hear your thoughts and see your votes, love you all sooo much ♥️

Word count: 4551


Josh was feeling much better after all of the words that Fred had said to him. He'd felt so guilty for ruining their entire night, which had been so perfect to Josh, and knowing he'd ruined it had made it even more difficult for him. He felt so sad about it.

But Fred made it better, with the words he said, how he cared for Josh and he kissed him and held him. How he talked to him and wanted to understand what made Josh feel the way he felt. Josh felt so listened to, and he felt like Fred put so much effort in every part of their relationship.

Josh was much more at ease after Fred was so gentle and understanding with him. He was so different from Dustin, and he had to remember that at every moment. He couldn't assume that just because Dustin saw something one way, Fred thought the same. They were so different, like night and day. Fred was incredible and Josh loved him.

When Josh had worried about having ruined the night, and Fred had been able to convince him that he hasn't; their night was still perfect for them, he suggested watching another movie so Josh didn't have to think about the fact that he couldn't have sex with his lover. He wanted to get dressed but Josh didn't let go of him and he kept him there in his arms, preventing him from getting up. They cuddled under the blankets together and Josh loved feeling Fred's bare skin against his own. It made him feel even closer to his lover. It felt intimate, and that's what he wanted to be with his love. Even though it wasn't in the way he'd initially wanted to that night.

Over half of the second movie had passed, when Josh's hand traveled down Fred's thigh and back up, before sliding in between them and Fred let out a soft breath at the feeling of Josh's hand gently wrapping around him.

"Joshie", Fred softly said. "I- I wanna try again", Josh whispered back. "N-no baby, I can't do that to you-" Fred started. "Not- not like that", Josh gently interrupted. "I just... I wanna make you feel good", he had a soft blush on his cheeks as he kissed Fred's neck gently. "Wanna love you", he said softly. "I... I love being with you, being intimate with you, satisfying you... in the ways that we know we actually can and enjoy", Josh said. "Not because I... because I think I owe it to you but- but because I want to. 'Cause I enjoy making you feel good too", Josh said.

"Would you... let me go down on you?" He asked softly, his breath softly hitting the side of Fred's neck that gave him chills. "I'd- I'd really enjoy that, I- I love being intimate with you and making you feel good, knowing I was the reason for that", he blushed. "And yes, I'm sure, and if I- something would change and I want to stop then I will, but- we've done this before, I know it- it'll go well, and I really want to", Josh said. "I just... need you to let me know if that's okay", he said.

Fred's eyes were closed, soft breaths coming from his lips as Josh's hand was still around him. He hadn't stopped Josh, or told him no, and they'd initiated it like this before, so he wasn't scared that Fred wouldn't be okay with what he was doing in that moment. He just needed to know if he could go further too.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now