⭒ XXII ⭒

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Hey loves! Welcome back! Been a little while but we're back with a new chapter! (Yes also still working on I'll take care of you too! The past week turned out to be a bit busier than expected which is why I'm a bit behind from where I hoped to be rn)

We're back with chapter 22! I'd love to hear what you think of this one. Please don't forget to leave a vote while you can 'cause it helps me so much!

I really hope you enjoyed the last chapters too even if I got less votes on them in compared to the others. I really hope it's not 'cause you didn't enjoy the chapters ♥️

Alright let's just get into it! Chapter 22. Feel like this might become my longest story ever haha but I'm really dedicated to it and I do not want to ever abandon it or discontinue it and I'm gonna do everything I can to prevent that from happening. I can't imagine not writing any time soon again so I'm gonna keep writing and loving this story and I hope you'll stick around for the ride ♥️

Enjoy! Here we go. Hope to hear from you! ♥️

Word count: 5972


"Promise me you will be careful!" Laura told Josh. "I will, mom! Don't worry, we're gonna be fine! I'll call you when we've landed!" Josh said with a laugh. He hugged his mom tightly, then his dad, and Jenna hugged Josh's parents too. "We'll be okay! I'll make sure Josh's safe", she said. "I'll keep Jenna safe too", Josh said with a laugh.

"Have fun, baby", Jonathon told him as he kissed his lover. "See you in seven days, hm?" He said. "Yeah, I can't wait for you to join us", Josh smiled. "Me neither. I love you so much", Jonathon told him. "I love you too, Jonnie", Josh told him as he hugged his lover tightly, and they shared a soft kiss.

They pulled back and Jenna gave Jonathon a tight hug as well. "See you soon, friendly giant", she said, making them all laugh. "Look after him until I'm there", Jonathon told her. "I will", she smiled.

They grabbed their suitcases, and after another hug and kiss from Josh's momma, and she was about to cry, they went through the gates to go through customs and security and eventually get to their plane.

"I really can't wait", Josh giggled. "Me neither! We're gonna have so much fun. We're seeing Tyler so soon! Finally", she said. "It's been a long time", Josh sighed. "Yeah. I wonder how he's doing. I hope he's doing great", Jenna said. "Me too", Josh smiled.

Now that Josh was 18, it hadn't made it easier for Laura to let Josh go on this trip, but she'd promised it to him; he'd be allowed to go on a trip on his own with a friend once he'd turn 18. That was last month, so now Josh was flying to Columbus with Jenna.

Josh was nervous, but mostly excited. Jenna had been on a plane before, so she kind of knew what went on before, during and after a flight, which made Josh feel more at ease. He just followed Jenna around and did as he was told, and once they got through customs, they settled at a table at Starbucks, where they bought some breakfast and coffee. They had a very early flight, and Laura wanted them to have breakfast before their flight but Josh told her they would do so at the airport, and she ended up giving him fifteen bucks so they could both get some breakfast there.

It was bittersweet that Jonathon wasn't there; he would've loved to have his boyfriend with them, but he also really enjoyed spending time with Jenna alone. Not to mention that Jonathon would join them in a couple of days, and they would pick him up at the airport and the second half of their trip would be with the three of them.

"Excited to fly for the first time?" Jenna asked as she sipped her latte macchiato. "A little nervous", Josh said with a soft laugh, taking a sip from his cappuccino. "But excited too. Mostly excited for the view, but I might break your hand while squeezing it during take off and landing", he laughed. "That's okay", she giggled. "It's a bit scary but it's not as bad as you might think it is. At least it wasn't for me, the first time, but well just keep breathing steadily and just listen to Tyler's music and hold my hand and it'll be okay!" Jenna said. She took a bite of her bagel.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now