⭒ LVI ⭒

149 23 11

Hello you lovely lot! New chapter again, yay!

⚠️Wattpad was down a few days ago when I published the previous chapter, so the notifications didn't go through the way they should have. Just in case you haven't read that chapter yet - published on Monday - I'm here to let you know that you should probably go back and read that one first, before reading this one!⚠️

Even though I only got to 8 likes on last chapter, I'm still gonna release this one already 'cause I wanna publish more chapters and get closer to the chapters I'm currently working on. This is chapter 56, while I already finished all chapter up until chapter 61! And my chapters are quite big, so I've written a lot from this point up to the point I'm currently at haha. ⭐️♥️

By the way! Excuse my mistake in one of the IG posts where the geo tag says "studio" instead of tour bus. i can't easily change it so just ignore it pls haha

Let's dive in (: I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. Thank you for reading, for supporting, voting, commenting. Means the world to me and I love writing for you so, so much. <33

This story is currently at 850 votes and a whole 8,7K reads and I can't believe it 'cause it's so much better than I ever expected after my Wattpad break of almost 2 full years. Thank you for being here, for loving this story, and for your continuous support. I love you!

Word count: 5621


They changed out of their fancy clothes, putting on something they felt more comfortable in, before they went out for drinks. Tyler was delighted that Steve just discarded his suit jacket but kept the rest on, 'cause it was definitely one of Tyler's favorite outfits of his and he wanted to enjoy the moment as long as they could.

They went to a bar in Paris, got tipsy, then went to a second one and got a bit drunk, before they found themselves near the Eiffel tower. "We fucking won!" Eric yelled into the night sky, as the others cheered together with him and Tyler laughed. "I'm so proud of you guys", he smiled widely as Steve wrapped his arm around Tyler's neck, stumbling slightly. He wasn't as drunk as some of the other guys, but he was definitely tipsy like Tyler. Steve always limited the amount of drinks he let himself have, because of his past drug addiction and all that. He never had alcohol problems, but he also didn't want to risk ever getting them, so there was a limit that was publicly known to everyone in the band and crew - and now to Tyler and his guys, too.

It just made Tyler feel even prouder, seeing how Steve was able to control and limit his alcohol intake while the others kept drinking. It seemed easy to get carried away and join in, but Steve didn't. He didn't cross his limit, and Tyler realized that it made him like Steve even more.

His life felt surreal, right now. Exploring Paris while tipsy, with his crush and his friends, after they won a huge award that night, and the Eiffel tower was the backdrop of it all. It felt crazy, and Tyler couldn't believe his life right now. He couldn't believe it was real.

After a couple of hours, they found themselves back at the hotel. Tyler had a heated make out session with Steve where they lost some of their clothes, but Steve reminded Tyler that they shouldn't go further yet, and honest to God, every time Steve made a decision in Tyler's best interest or when he controlled himself in any way shape or form, he could feel himself fall harder for Steve. Every single thing that Steve did that had anything to do with that, was extremely hot to Tyler, and it made him want him more and more. Tyler was falling quickly and he was falling hard.

Tyler had oh so generously let Steve know that while they weren't going any further, he also didn't need to put any clothes back on - just Steve in his boxers was all Tyler wanted in that moment, and Steve was alright with that. Tyler was shirtless too, but wearing sweatpants as he cuddled up to Steve in bed. It was quiet as they both scrolled through social media on their phones for a bit. Tyler saw the band post about winning the award and he liked it, before he created a post on Instagram too.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now