⭒ CXLI ⭒

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Hi dear friends! Here's a new chapter, yay!

I've been finding time to write more again which makes me really happy!! And this one is another quite long one, which also makes me (and hopefully you) happy!

Thank you for all your reactions to last chapter! Made me so happy. I'm really excited about what I'm writing currently and I can't wait to upload it!

Maybe I'll upload an extra chapter tomorrow if I get enough likes on this one! I'd love to do that ♥️ just need to make sure enough people have gotten the chance to read it. So leave a vote when you can, I'll try to upload tomorrow!

Enjoy this chapter! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. Love you!

Word count: 4503


Elisabeth's hair wasn't straightened anymore, but washed and air dried so it became super wavy. She had barely any foundation on, and instead of the dense fake lashes, pink eyeshadow and all the other make up, she now had mascara and some dark green eyeshadow, which she'd always loved. It complemented her red hair, but that was still blonde right now. She was wearing a flowy dark red mid length dress, and she barely looked like Bethany anymore. This was Elisabeth.

"Ready?" Josh asked. "As ready as I can be", she said. Josh held his arm out, and Elisabeth smiled as she hooked her arm around Josh's. He pushed the door to the cafeteria open and they walked inside. He felt that Elisabeth was nervous, as they approached the table with Josh's friends, talking and laughing. "Josh still isn't here", he heard Colin say as he saw him look around, until their eyes met. "Oh Josh!" He said, then he was quiet as a look of confusion appeared on his face when he saw Bethany. They reached the table.

"Hi guys", Josh said as he waved at them. "This uh... this is Elisabeth", Josh said. "I told her it's cool to sit with us."

"Wait, wait", Colin said. "I don't know if this is like a weird Mandela effect or something but I swear her name is Bethany."

"Her actual name is Elisabeth", Josh said. "I- yeah", Elisabeth said. "I- I've used Bethany for a while but it's- it's actually Elisabeth, like Josh said", she replied. "Damn. I didn't see that one coming", Colin said. "I didn't see any of this coming in general", Michelle said.

"I told her she could sit with us so we can make her feel at home yeah?" Josh asked. "...I- I'm... confused", Fred said. Josh wanted to reply, but Elisabeth gently nudged Josh. "You- you can tell them what you said earlier", she said. "Are you sure? You don't have to, I promise", Josh said. "I'm sure, really. Just... just tell them that", she said. Josh nodded. All of his friends' attention was on them as they waited curiously.

"Uhm... so you- you see her as Bethany who Dustin cheated on me with..." Josh said. "That's how I saw her at first too. But uh... Elisabeth, she um..." Josh trailed.

"She's been through something very similar", Josh said. "Something very similar as what Dustin put me through... also done by Dustin", Josh said. The table was quiet. They all understood what that meant.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry", Gracie was the one to break the silence as she got up to walk around the table, and she hugged Elisabeth. "I'm sorry. That must've been so hard, so awful", Gracie told her. "You're so welcome to sit here and be with us. Please, make yourself feel at home!" She said. "Yeah, you're absolutely welcome to stay with us", Kit smiled, and Joe nodded too. "C'mon", Josh smiled as he sat down next to Fred, while Elisabeth sat on Josh's other side. Fred nudged him softly as Gracie, Michelle and Kit talked to Elisabeth to make her feel at home.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now