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Hello friends ♥️ how are you?
Hope you're doing well! I know I said I might've uploaded this yesterday but because I haven't been able to write that much lately, I don't have a lot of chapters written left so I need to write more so I won't end up not updating for weeks because I haven't finished the next chapters yet. So sorry that I didn't upload yesterday! But we're back today ♥️

Hope you'll enjoy! Thank you for being here. I can't wait to hear your thoughts and see your votes ♥️ I'll upload the next one asap! All my love ♥️

Word count: 3010


"I'm sorry", Colin sighed softly as he accepted the cup of tea. "I should be taking care of you, not the other way around."

"That's not true. We take care of each other", Josh said as he sat down on his bed next to Colin. "I just... I can't believe what he did to you, Josh", Colin whispered. "I can't fucking believe it."

"Me neither, not really", Josh softly said. "Feels unreal sometimes." He looked down, then the softest smile appeared on his lips. "...thank you for beating the shit out of him though", he said, and Colin couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, which Josh did too. "He got what he deserved", Colin said. "Yeah he did", Josh smiled softly. He rested his head on Colin's shoulder.

"There's something I didn't tell the others", Josh said. "Only Fred knows."

"Oh..." Colin trailed. He didn't wanna ask what it was, because Josh hadn't told the others either. Only Fred knew, and while Colin of course didn't mind that, he also wished that Josh would trust him the same way.

"I'm sorry that I made you feel like you can't trust me", Colin softly said. "No, no that's- that's not true", Josh said. "I do trust you. You're my best friend. That's why I... I wanna tell you", he said. "You- you don't have to", Colin said. "I do, I want to", Josh said. "Uhm... I don't know how to really begin to talk about this", he said, letting out a nervous laugh. He got up, grabbing the box of antibiotics. He sat back down and he held it in front of Colin.

"What's... what's this?" Colin asked as he grabbed the box, turning it around to see what the box said.

"I uh... I need to take that for a bit over a week. Ten days", Josh said. "Why?" Colin frowned softly. Josh rested his head back on Colin's shoulder.

"He gave me an STD", Josh said. He could feel Colin tense up, as if his heart had stopped. "Don't- don't worry, don't worry", Josh said as he grabbed his hand. "I mean, any STD is bad but... I got lucky", Josh said. "If I take the antibiotics, then I should be cured in about ten days. It's one of the most treatable, curable STDs. So I won't have to carry that around for the rest of my life", he said, showing Colin a soft smile. "Just... just a few more days."

Colin didn't even know what to say; he just hugged Josh tightly. "I'm so sorry", he whispered. "It's- it's okay... it won't last, I'll be done with it soon", he said. "I can handle that. And uh..." Josh trailed.

"Fred's getting tested tomorrow too", he then said as he looked down, picking at his fingernails. "...because I uh- I slept with him", he said. Colin's eyes widened. "You what?!" He asked in disbelief. "Yep", Josh said. "We uh... I thought Dustin broke up with me the day before I went to Muncie with Fred... he uh... we- he and I were talking and he said he... had a crush on me", Josh said. "After I asked who he had a crush on. And uhm... I've- I've been having a crush on him for a long time too", Josh blushed.

"So we... spent two nights together. We.. slept together twice", his blush deepened. "I... I thought we'd start dating a bit but... when we came back from Muncie Dustin acted like nothing was wrong", he said. "I... I explained to Fred 'cause I'd hurt him... Dustin just kissed me in the cafeteria and Fred thought I lied to him", Josh explained. "But I told him the full story, I said I wanted him, Fred wanted that too, I went to Dustin to break things off and... I wasn't strong enough. Not even close", Josh shrugged softly. "I slept with Dustin that night and uh... I felt too guilty towards Fred so I... I told him I slept with Dustin and that I- I chose him instead", Josh shrugged. "That hurt Fred, of course... and then he left the dorm."

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now