⭒ CVII ⭒

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Hi friends! New chapter, yay!

I'm currently obsessed with autumn/Halloween/Christmas TikTok and I'm impatiently counting down the days 😭

How are you? I hope you're well! I hope you enjoyed last chapter and I hope you will enjoy this one ♥️

I've been having a lot of fun writing. Thank you for all your support every time, it motivates me so much! Can't wait to create more for you after publishing this one 🥰

Let's dive in, and please enjoy! Thank you for being here and supporting me. I love seeing it, it means the world! This chapter is a bit longer again. Love ♥️

Word count: 3143


"Oh. My. Josh."

"Did you seriously just say 'Oh my Josh'?" Joe asked Inez.

"Well yeah! He looks incredible!" She exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, he does", Fred smiled as he stood next to Josh, all looking through the mirror to Josh, who was looking at himself. "I can't believe my hair is turquoise", he mumbled. "And it looks dang good", Fred nudged him with a smile, and Josh blushed. Jon averted his gaze for a second. Josh said he had a boyfriend that was not Fred, and that Fred was no one but his roommate and friend, but it definitely felt like there was something more going on.

He'd be ten times happier if it was Fred after what what he'd heard about Josh's actual boyfriend, so on one hand he wished that Josh would choose Fred. On the other hand, though, it still kind of hurt to see Josh being into someone else, as he wasn't fully over him. But even then, maybe he was seeing it totally wrong, as Josh had a boyfriend who was someone else.

"So what's next. Piercings? Tattoos? Let's do it all!" Inez said. "What? No no that's- that's too far", Josh quickly said. "Oh but a nose piercing would look so good on you though", Kit then said. "Wait you're so right", Joe gasped softly. "Oh I was gonna get another piercing in my ear soon anyways! Josh we should totally get your nose pierced!" Jenna said. "Piercing date! I wanna get a septum. Or an industrial! Or both!" Inez hopped up and down excitedly, clapping her hands.

"Wait wait wait wait wait, wait! I'm- no, no no that would- I don't want piercings", Josh said.

"Are you sure?" Fred hummed with a soft smile. "I remember one of our late night talks where you said you wished you had the guts to get one", he said.

"Yeah but I- I don't have the guts", Josh stated. "Yeah you do. We are your guts! You got all the guts", Colin said. "That's- that's not how that works", Josh said. "Who cares how it works! You got a whole ass support system right here and we're all cheering you on! If you want it, you should do it!" Colin told him.

"Jon, please help me out of this", Josh muttered. "I don't know J, I mean... If you like it, why not? I think it would really suit you, and I know how you've always said you liked the look of them. If what Fred said is right, I think you should do it", he said.

"Oh man", Josh muttered softly. "This is just gonna be Josh's transformation week where we're gonna help him express himself to the fullest. I'm loving it", Jenna smirked. "Okay but if - and I'm not saying that I am yet, I'm not confirming anything - but if I'd get that piercing... then what's next? You're gonna convince me to stretch my ears or what?" He said.

Jenna gasped. "YES!" She exclaimed. Josh's eyes widened. "No!" He quickly said. "Wait that would look so good on you! You'd have to start super small though 'cause we don't wanna rip your earlobe", Inez said. "Rip my- oh fuck off, I don't even wanna think of that possibly happening!" Josh whined as he ran his hand down his face, shivering at the thought of it. "That's not even remotely convincing me to do that!"

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now