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Hi friends ♥️ another chapter yay! I hope you enjoyed last chapter. Thank you so much for all the votes!

I had so much fun writing this chapter! I'm really curious to hear what you think! I've been trying to write as much as I can for next week. So this week there'll be 1 less update as I said in the last part, but next week we should be back to 3 chapters a week!!

Thank you for being here and thank you for your enthusiasm ♥️ can't wait to see what you think of this one. Love you all!! Enjoy ♥️

Word count: 3693


Tyler was eating his quesadilla - which was a part of the buffet that night - while he talked to some of his crew guys. Still, he felt his phone burn through his skin on his leg; he wanted to read what Josh had sent so bad, but he felt like he couldn't.

At least, not until some of the guys started leaving and getting ready for the show - something Tyler should start doing quickly too. When Michael got up to grab his last portion, Tyler whipped out his phone and he read the message.

Josh: I guess that does kind of make sense... I am still really close with my friends from college and I do see them regularly still :) whether it's me visiting them or then coming to LA to see me. I'm really happy that I have been able to maintain that relationship with all of them :)

Josh: Speaking of friends from college, I'm actually going to see them again pretty soon! In 4 weeks I'm flying to Detroit because Fred and his guys are playing a gig there. Since he switched colleges they've been playing small shows around Indianapolis but last year they won a battle of the bands type contest that my college in Detroit hosted, and they gained some fans because of that which is so cool! So their current uni and the one in Detroit that we all used to be at kind of worked together to set up a gig in Detroit. And of course we all have to be there :) so I'll be seeing them again pretty soon!

That definitely piqued Tyler's interest. He quickly started typing.

tyler joseph: fred as in killer-voice-fred? I'd love to see them play. his voice sounded so awesome. is it at your uni or is it open to the public?

Josh: Oh no it's not at uni, it's at a venue in Detroit! And yes it's open to the public too. They got tickets specifically for students and then a bunch of tickets also for anyone else who's interested and who'd wanna come :)

That made Tyler smile, and he started typing again. As he did, he didn't notice Jordan walking past him, and noticing Josh's phone on the top of Tyler's screen as he typed. It made Jordan smile; knowing he was messaging Josh was enough. He didn't need to know what they were discussing. He just wanted to know if the person Tyler was talking to, was a good person. Knowing it was Josh, calmed his worries.

tyler joseph: oh man send me a link. I'll be on break then, and I really wanna come check out their work. I'll ask steve, luke and mike to come with me

tyler joseph: only if that's okay with you btw? and with fred too of course. don't wanna take his moment away at all.

Josh: No that would be incredible!! Fred would be so excited about it! It would be awesome if you could make it. He's gonna be so happy, and the other guys too!! Maybe we could just not tell them in advance, so they won't get extra nervous because of you guys? Just an idea!! If you don't wanna do that we really don't have to I was just thinking maybe it'd be an even bigger surprise to them. It's just so awesome that you'd wanna do this for them :)

It made Tyler smile. Was he doing it for Fred? Yeah, and also for himself because he was genuinely so curious about him and his band. ...but was he glad that Josh was gonna be there too? ...it sure was a nice extra.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now