⭒ VIII ⭒

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Hey guys! Wasn't sure if I should update yet because I couldn't really tell by the votes if most people who usually vote read it or not haha, but it's gonna be a bit busy from now on (festival, concerts, holiday) so for the next 3 weeks I will be busier - I can probably still write and publish, just not as easy as before. But I wanted to publish this chapter before all of that is gonna happen so I can make you happy with a new chapter now!

I'd love to hear what you think of this chapter. Man I'm loving this story so much, I love writing it. Please don't forget to leave a vote when you can, 'cause they really mean a lot and help me out a lot ♥️⭐️

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter! And hope you got great summer plans. I'd love to hear about them if you'd like to share them!

Enjoy! Here's chapter 8 ♥️

Word count: 4498


Tyler walked through the hallway of the hostel they were staying at, still smiling. He wasn't really paying attention and bumped into a hallway table, which gave quite a loud thud, and he cursed himself for being so distracted. He walked to his room, about to unlock it, when the door next to him opened and Michael's head popped out.

"Tyler what the fuck!" Michael said. Tyler let out a soft groan as he unlocked the door and he went into his room, wanting to close the door but Michael stopped him. Tyler sighed as he turned around, letting Michael in as he turned on the lights and sat down on the bed.

"Where the fuck were you?! Why didn't you respond to any of our texts, or calls? It's two fucking AM and you didn't let us anything know since you left this afternoon! Are you crazy?!" He said angrily. "No I'm not, please, just- leave me alone", Tyler sighed. "No, I won't! I won't leave you alone! You've been gone for hours. We were worried sick! Drove all over town to see if we could find you! You've ran off before but not this long, and usually you'd text us eventually but this time you didn't! You scared the fuck out of all of us and now you're asking me to leave you alone? No! You better fucking explain yourself first and next time you better fucking tell us where you're going 'cause I am not gonna put up with this again in the future. Why can't you understand that we're worried about you when you don't reply and stay away for hours on end in a city that isn't your own?! Why can't you get that through your skull?! How are you asking me to leave you alone when you scared the fuck out of us?!" Michael said.

Michael was never angry, regardless of what Tyler did. But this seemed to have upset him to no end, and Tyler knew he was dead fucking serious. He felt bad for leaving them in the dark and not keeping them up to date. "I'm sorry", Tyler said. "Can we uh, can we sit outside?" he asked. "Will you explain yourself?" Michael asked. "Yeah, yeah I will, promise", Tyler said. Michael nodded. "You leave the room first, 'cause I don't trust you", Michael said. "Do you think I'm gonna let you walk out and then close the door behind you?" Tyler said. "Yes, that's exactly what I think you'll do", his friend said. Tyler sighed softly as he got up, grabbing his key with him, and he left the room first. Michael followed him, and they went downstairs to the small garden of the hostel, which had a small pool. They sat down on two chairs near the pool and Tyler lit a cigarette.

"So... I was annoyed by all of you this afternoon", Tyler said softly. "Needed time for myself so I went down to a beach called Will Rogers beach, because it is a less crowded and less popular one and I wanted to be alone. I saw that I missed your calls and texts about dinner but I was too late already because it took me an hour and forty minutes to get to the beach so I wouldn't be back in time, and I didn't reply and decided to stay for a few more hours before I'd get back in time. But uh... This guy, Lucas, and his family's dog Pumbaa walked by, Pumbaa's toy ended up near me and he asked for me to toss it back at them but instead of doing so and him just going his own way with Pumbaa, we started talking", Tyler shrugged.

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