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The Soldiers of Sector V


The two dart towards each other slamming the swords into each other as they fight with a fury. For AK she could only watch the two's swords swing at the same velocity towards each other sending sparks and a loud metal impact noise with every thunderous swing they do. For her she needed to tackle her own clone that is defeating the others one by one. But she needed to see it in the dimly lit room but she was struggling.

There was so much going on around her she needed to focus on only the important bits to which the middle of her eyes glow a tinge of red as she sends the eye implants to the most it could do. She looks around at incredible speeds to see the whole battleground in a way that she never seen before as everything felt slower than what it usually is. However upon looking to her right she could finally see it.... her doll walking up to Matthews who was beaten a bit but still willing to keep fighting.

Muttering under her breath she thanks him for holding herself up long enough to allow her to assist. With the kill insight she darts to herself ducking under the sword that Wolf swings downwards sending the sword of his clone into the ground with a grin. The sword cracks the metal underneath it followed with a low rumble that sends the two into a state where they had to fight while maintaining their balance.

One wrong slip and it was going to be game over for both of them, but while they do that both of them try and send the other crashing to the ground but it was a lot more harder than just leg sweeping the individual. Since every time they tried to leg sweep the other could sense it coming allowing them to react accordingly  to avoid the leg sweep itself. For Wolf he could see a quick white flash which was enough to tell him that AK had found her target.

She continues to dart past her boyfriend knife in hand ready to crumple her doll counter part, however the closer she got, she watched the head turn to her like some creepy horror movie doll that was ready to strike. She stopped her dash towards her opting to throw some knives instead only to watch her catch them and throw them back at AK. She managed to slip past all the knives but it would cost her since she lost her concentration and eye contact with her doll.

It was a painful mistake with the doll slamming her fists into AK slamming her onto the ground but it allowed Matthews to draw out his armour piercing sniper rifle and aimed it at the two. He wasn't sure who was the real AK with both of them looking between each other and then back at Matthews who swung his rifle between the two with no clue on who was the real AK that was in front of them.

They both had the same eye colour, the hair was tied down to the point and the apparel was as well. All he could do now was do the cliché that he had always hated to think off whenever he seen one of these things happening in movies. It was his only choice so he had to come up with good questions. 

Matthews: First question what am to Sector V?

AK Doll/AK 12: Leader of Sector V.

Matthews: Yeah that wasn't going to work...What did Wolf eat yesterday?

AK Doll/AK 12: A toastie

Matthew: (Huh? How would the doll know that even though it had never seen Wolf back then).

AK Doll: Matthews you are wasting time this isn't going to work.

AK 12: I agree... Matthews you need to find something better or more unknown..

AK Doll: Matthews I'm the real AK she is the clone....

AK 12: She's lying-

Matthew: Quiet! Now....

The Soldiers of Sector VTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang