Operation Nimbus

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The Soldiers of Sector V

Chapter 68: Operation Nimbus.

A/N: heheh next is 6...9-

Wolf: *draws pistol* Keep writing the book A/N....

A/N: Alright alright chill....  As I was saying.

The girls stand at the dock in formation ready to head off in their respective groups to the forward base, It wasn't fully repaired or operational but it was adequate for a staging ground. The command was simple, charge and attack to let the others through and defeat Iron Blood. Anders yells to everyone to get ready as the dock bays begin to open up with the sun rays shining onto them as the sun begins to settle.

The others wave goodbye to the girls as they will hold the fort down for the offensive team. Perri keeps his fingers crossed behind his back hoping this mission goes according to plan. The Combined forces couldn't afford another defeat in the opportunity that has opened up, cause once it fails they won't have another chance to break through their defences. One thing they couldn't predict was the Sakura Empire, the reports had showed no contact from the Sakura Empire leaving suspicion and paranoia.

The scars from the Sakura Empires attack on the base left a resounding impression on the others, in fear of another invasion Anders made sure that they had adequate members ready to defend the base from another attack. They slipped up once, they cannot afford to slip up again. Wolfs boat was the first boat to leave the dock bay with it's signature look that was decided between the two, it's orange and black paint cover the boat from it's previous camo. It wasn't good for daytime but for night time it was perfect.

Wolf stands at the bow binoculars in hand ready to spot any incoming dangers as AK 12 and Schlieffen's boat move up alongside him. The team had changed again to suit the adequate roles for the mission with Anders being apart of the team along with République. Davis and Enterprise moved back into their own carrier team who would be providing supporting fire for the whole attack force.

Anders: Carrier group what is your status?

Davis: This is Carrier group all systems green.

Anders: Copy that, Squads 1 and 2 come in.

Helena: This is Squad 1 we hear you loud and clear Anders. 

Tirpitz: This is Squad 2 reporting in Kommandant awaiting your orders.

Wolf: Well that's most of the offensive teams ready and waiting... Are you sure it was a good idea to give Helena reigns over a squad?

Anders: I thought you brother you would of agreed to me on that idea.

Wolf: No I do it's just I'm worried that she might get-

Helena: Captain I can hold myself... but I appreciate the concern.

Wolf: Alright... but don't overexert yourself... leave that to me.

AK 12: As you do...

Wolf: Hey!

Anders: *cough* We should be reaching a checkpoint by now so keep on the look out for one.

The teams pan the area as planes zip past them to the front looking around as they go, there was no enemy threat spotted yet but everyone was on edge for an impending ambush as a ping goes out from peoples sonars, surveying the water for any submarines as their ones go below periscope depth to scout the water. It wasn't long before trouble found them as Essex's planes spot Siren drones and a big Siren fleet steaming towards them.

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