Rescue Op

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The Soldiers of Sector V

Chapter 45 RESCUE OP

Davis: Their last known transmission was down in the abandoned town to the east. 

AK 12: Why would they go to an abandoned town then straight back to base?

Davis: Maybe they got side tracked or they are fleeing maybe?

Wolf: Whatever it is, our task is to find them and extract them before it is too late.

Wolf turns the rudder as the ship lurks to the right with the water splashing on it's side as he brings up his binoculars. Wolf wasn't sure what Item they retrieved but whatever it is they must not let it fall back into enemy hands. The planes fly overhead but Essex realised that Davis was sending a lot less planes than he did previously but that was easily explained by the attack before draining his planes to assist.

He goes back to the time when they were fighting the sirens as they sent a whole armada of planes towards the HQ. With his special ability Davis sent a bunch of planes to counter the approaching drones as they ripped each other to shreds. Now Davis is recovering from that fight as he takes a breath in. He acts a bit jealous to Wolf on being able to hold an ability for so long but Davis wasn't seeing the tiredness that Wolf had in his eyes. 

Enterprise suggested that her and Davis should spar to hone in their abilities to which he considered that a good idea. But she knew that she wanted to uphold the deal with Zuikaku who had been really persistent with wanting to spar with the Grey Ghost herself. Davis couldn't blame Zui since she spent all this time trying to find her, now it was time to actually fight each other. 

Wolf leaves the bridge as the others chatted away for some last minute repairs. He picks up his tool box from the mechanics bay and brought it to the deck of the ship as he begun to retighten some of the bolts on the secondary mounts. O-H tells him to take a break since the turrets were fine but Wolf wasn't buying it. He torques up the last left side secondaries as he puts his tools back in the toolbox to head off to the right side. A voice calls him as he looks to where it came from only to see AK waving at him.

AK 12: Hey Wolf!

Wolf: Hey AK.

She jumps onto the level that he stands as she waltz's over to him with her usual smug face with her pink eyes looking at him.

AK 12: Come here..

AK gives him a hug and a kiss on the lips as Wolf does the same. The two detach as both of them blush.

Wolf: We shouldn't be doing this here.

AK 12: Are you sayi-

Wolf: *blush* No that's not what I meant I mean cause we are on a missi- you know what I mean.

AK 12: *laughs* Don't worry I'm just teasing you.

Wolf: As you do.

AK lends a hand to Wolf as they continue to fix up the rest of the secondary turrets as they chatted away with each other. O-H and Riga did the same thing but between mentally, like a teacher asking a kid about her holidays she wanted to know how was Wolfs trip with Evans went to which Wolf talked about it with a smile. She found it really sweet of Wolf to do that for Liz and Noah.

However the bombshell was that Evans met Ella in the enemy forces but the ands on Wolfs shoulders as he rubbed them were enough to make AK reassure him that they will save her. However Wolf had a bad feeling that if she tried to kill Evans then she really has lost it. It was a bitter, sickening feeling that he couldn't forget however she wanted him to replay the events for her.

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