Fools Gold

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The Soldiers of Sector V

Chapter 84 FOOLS GOLD

The first person goes down the rappel as the light from their flashlights illuminates the way down as the light thinner and thinner. Ella didn't mind going first after seeing what happened to her brother, she was relieved that he was a half Sirens so the injuries he sustained were not enough to cause him to die. However she could see what AK meant when she told her that he is a bit of a risk taker when it coms to saving teammates.

Above her was Rhea who was still contemplating what Wolf said that Callen and Oliver where planning to kill Simon but she stopped them with her presence. It gave her some peace to know that she was able to protect him when he was still around, However she wished that he didn't meet his end in the vehicle. She still couldn't understand why some of them ended up like that compared to them.

She remembered the times when Simon looked like something was worrying on his mind but he didn't tell anyone about it besides her but she decided to ignore him since she didn't believe him. But seeing the two dead hunters stone cold on the ground being responsible for two of the others in the squad that mysteriously died. She wished she listened to him, her naïve self and ignorant mind pushed him away. 

To her it should of felt the same as killing any other Division agent that she should just accept it was her or them. She was always living like a survivalist and not a soldier, that way of thinking led her to betraying Sector V and turning her back on everything that Simon and the rest fought for. The feeling made her feel sick to the core that she was like that but there was nothing she could do about it. All she could feel was grateful that she got a second chance from Wolf, however she wasn't going to ruin it a second time.

Rhea: You see anything Evans!?

Evans: Nothing it's pitch black.

Thunderer: From my senses I think we are getting close but mind the oxygen levels.

Rhea: Your boat has a oxygen level as well?

Evans: I guess so... What else can you do Thunderer?

Thunderer: Well lets see... Poison levels, blood pressure, heart rate and well healing.

Abigail: Thanks Thunderer for saving him before... and sorry Evans for before.

Just like Rhea she was filled with regrets, she couldn't understand how she was manipulated by Kurfurst and Hierophant being used as someone's puppet and monster. She was still so thankful for Wolf for saving her that day and letting her live and experience a second chance when he never should have. However she was happy that Wolf has found some peace with himself thanks to AK and O-H's help. She hopes that once the war is over those two will be able to live in peace without fear of attacks or the common artillery shell from the Ferri.

As for her and Evans she had so many things she wanted to do with Evans that they had the chance for bac then it never went for it. Her cowardice caused her to push him away, only giving glances and blushes at Evans who was as dense as ever. Even Ross and Wolf couldn't believe the two. She missed those days with the rest of the team who she felt a sense of belonging but gradually it was coming together, she just hopped that Astra and Asher can make it.

The two siblings have stuck with each other thick and thin, much more than what Wolf, Ella and Anders were but even so it wasn't the most smooth companion ship. She could remember the times when Astra would pass hr veggies to Asher's tray or someone hogging some console or chair. Even though she thought to herself that she should of known that the two were hunters due to having too many of them it was impossible to tell who was who sometimes. 

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