One Step Closer

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The Soldiers of Sector V


A/N: If you made it this far I hope you are enjoying the book and thank you so much for reading it so far, It means a lot. Anyway I bet you guys are here for the action so Author out.

Team Majestic

Wolf(Leader), AK 12, Cleveland, Helena, BP, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Swiftsure, KGV.

Team Anvil

Davis(Leader), Enterprise, Essex, Intrepid, Ticonderoga, République, Tirpitz, Heinrich, Georgia.

The engines roar to life as both teams head out towards the naval base with the others at the base watching them sail away into the vast ocean for a battle that will determine the course of the naval war. Wolf signals to Davis to spread the teams out more to cover more area which they do as République sails at the front along with Davis with their weapons drawn and ready. Wolf couldn't believe how Davis managed to unlock his armour that quick but he was happy all the same.

Wolf looks to his team who look determined and ready to do a surprise visit to the sirens with their swords and guns ready. AK gives him a smile as do the rest as Wolf nods in confirmation. Some where excited to watch Wolf in battle and some where excited to finally have more winning ground. 

The days they remembered having to fall back again and again, defeat after defeat. But now the tides are turning thanks to Wolf and the other two. But with every force in nature there is an opposing force to counteract it.

Helena puts her hand on her SG radar as it pings out as she can identify a whole fleet of Siren ships incoming on their position. She sits in the middle position in the team with Cleveland with her, A nod of confirmation comes from Cleveland as Helena moves her rigging closer to Wolf. She could see Wolfs worn expression but a determined one at that.

Helena: Captain my SG Radar has picked up a fleet of Siren boats.

Wolf: Helena just call me Wolf, Secondly thank you. Alright everyone here's our chance to show what Team Majestic is capable of.

Davis: We got confirmation of another fleet coming from the west!

Wolf: Alright Davis your captain of your team you make the call while I deal with the ones at the front with my team.

Davis: On it..

Majestic and Anvil split up to confront the opposing force. This would be considered a on the job practice but no one would let their guard down since this mission will be one of the hardest they've had. Wolf orders Zuikaku and Shoukaku to send in their planes that begin to roar to life on the flight deck. Wolf gets Cleveland and Helena to perform spotting and support fire with Swiftsure guarding them. Leaving the other 3 to charge in head on.

They watch a sword begin to form in front of Wolf as it bursts into flames leaving a amazed expression on the new comers. AK makes her weapon summon as a purple portal opens up as she grabs it out revealing the blade underneath. In an instant she vanishes in a blink of an eye reappearing in the air with her guns focused on one of the Siren boats blowing it sky high. 

Wolf and KGV charge in with Wolf activating his drones and minigun with his missiles letting all of the firepower out as the others look in shock. Drones begin to consume the air as the Sakura planes engage with the drones with machine gun fire and tight manoeuvre avoiding laser shots from the drones with black splashes on smoke erupting in the air thanks to Helena and Cleveland.

Zuikaku: Thanks you two!

Helena/Cleveland: *nods*

Wolf: Alright keep pushing!

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