An Invasion Training

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The Soldiers of Sector V


The sound of cannon fire rings out across the water with shells firing in every direction. The sounds of metal scraping together as the girls repel the attacks from the other girls. They duck, dodge, and weave each others fire in the attempt to take down each others leader. One manages to push through the defences, but the leader lifts his sword up and defeats the incoming attacker. They get knocked down to the water with a splash with the leader, giving her a hand.

Wolf: Nice try, Helena.

Helena: I'm getting better, right?

Wolf: Much better. You managed to get past my defences, but you ran out of juice.

Zuikaku: I can say the same to you!

A flame hurls towards Wolf, who had no choice but to block the swing, lifting his great sword up to block the attack from Zuikaku. The swords strike with flames being hurled at one another. Wolf fires his main guns at her as she tries to evade, but she gets too careless.

She gets hit by the guns, sending her nowhere as she stands with paint on her covering her in a blue paint. A whistle was heard as Zuikaku had to come of the field since in the Training test if you were hit with a lot of paint, you are incapacitated.

She sighs and gets off the field, sitting at the bench with other girls being covered with blue and red paint. So far, the training has shown that they will have to be more careful if they want to survive some attacks that Iron Blood and the H class brothers might throw.

On the red team Schlieffen takes out Baltimore and Tirpitz as they get covered with red paint from the main guns and secondaries taking them out of the fight. Baltimore knew that rushing Schlieffen was a bad idea but she thought if should could be a distraction Tirpitz could of defeated her.

Schlieffen: Nice try you two.... so who's next?

A blue light emanates in front of her as the Iris Knight charges towards her shield in hand with Anders following behind providing fire support. The two were determined to defeat Schlieffen and win the match but the sound of a person teleporting behind them forces Anders to fire a salvo behind him.

AK 12: Tch... your just as fast as Wolf.

Anders: I am his brother after all... now step aside AK!

His secondaries light up the area she was in forcing her to once again teleport, she was trying to be a nuisance to the two so Schlieffen can damage Républiques shield with each secondaries shell chipping away at it's strength but République holds firm. He fires his main guns at Schlieffen putting her on the defensive with the armour plates taking the hits as they bounce. He had to do better than that to take her out but the battle had only started

Schlieffen could understand why Davis wanted him on his team since the shield he had was almost impenetrable but République gives some credit to Schlieffen  since her secondaries were as strong as ever lighting up the whole battlefield like a Christmas tree. The two look to Anders and AK who both take a solid hit at each other grunting their way through.  

She tries to charge in to feint the attack like she does to Wolf as it catches him every time but instead of her sword making contact with Anders she feels a blunt pain coming from her stomach region as Anders pummels his sword there forcing her back in pain. The fighting styles of the two brothers where different.

One struck with brute strength and hoping reaction time saves him at every step but for Anders she could fell like she was versing a real swordsman. Anders did attend the military academy and spent years learning how to use a sword correctly while Wolf had to learn as he went. With a deep breath AK recovers she looks at Anders with a smile.

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