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The Soldiers of Sector V


The three girls rush to their boats to provide assistance to Wolf, Javelin was the first off then Ayanami and finally Helena with her injured sister telling her to stay safe to which Helena smiles telling her that she will be fine. The spear summons at the back of Helena as she jumps to her boat and aims forward as the smoke stacks erupt in a plume of black smoke. Anders and Perri could only watch as the three girls go on a dangerous mission that could be their last.

However who they were more concerned of was Wolf who was guarding the entrance of the bunker area along with Cali. Wolf ordered Fives to be the last line of defence if they both don't make it up there and the gunfire falls silent. With that she waits at the staircase staring at the basement door hoping that Wolf and Cali can slow down or even stop the counter attack. But to Wolf he wanted to stop them entirely.

However both of them knew the most they needed to do was hold them off long enough for extraction to arrive. He wanted to makes sure none of the civilians will be harmed by the opposing force that he could see marching towards the front gates of the place again. Seeing the destroyed dolls in piles would of played a phycological effect on the soldiers but Solar and the Ferri only sent out doll and robots.... no soldiers. 

However no matter how many dolls and robots they send, Wolf will not fall to mechanical toys when he knows that the ones at the top would never send their men. He knew that he was their only hope and protector against the forces of evil. The idea of the prophecy that Tsukiko told him was something he didn't want to believe in. He wasn't one for prophecy thinking that they are nothing more but fairy tales. However the more he thinks about it he is beginning to believe that the prophecy might be real.

It stresses him, it was a burden that he didn't want thrown upon him knowing that he really is the hero of this war but the others could see it. The deeds he had done have been nothing short of a miracle, taking the forts back, reuniting Azur Lane, taking down Kurfurst and the Empress. Now it was his job to make sure SOLAR payed for what they have done to the base and his own soldiers. If they believed they could take over themselves, they had another thing coming.

The first wave of soldiers appear through the gates with their rifles at the ready. Wolf gives a quick signal to Cali to get in one of the buildings and deploy holograms to which she agrees. it was a simple plan but with the first swing of the sword it was being very effective. The hologram of Wolf swinging his sword made it hard for the robots to determine who was actually the real Wolf. The plan was working for a few minutes but the robots had another trick up their sleeve.

Wolf: Woah! That was close....

Cali: Wolf I believe they are using infrared abandon the holograms!

Wolf: Right!

Cali: I'll provide some firing support.

Wolf looks to the window of one of the buildings as the barrel of a 50 Cal machine begins to poke out of it with Cali aiming with it. The bullets fly through the air and around Wolf as he uses the confusion to take down more with multiple sword swings as the next doll gets sent flying to the floor. With the first wave of the dolls almost clear Wolf looks to see the second and third wave come towards him as he puts his visor down.

He handled all of them before, this will be no different. With his great sword he shoots out multiple flame arcs along with missiles blowing up the area around the front gate taking all the robots down that came through the gate. However as the third wave quickly crumples Wolfs rigging begins to close itself once again forcing him behind cover as two enemies walk in. It was the same ones that he had seen back in the artillery platform that could jam his rigging.

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